Hello persons

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Lightning struck down on a summit, followed by a roar of thunder. A loud crack reverberated through the middle of the large mountain. In one instant, the mountain had been cut in half.

At first glance, this disastrous occurrence appeared to be a natural event. However, it was clear to anyone that possessed adequate knowledge of this world: this was man-made.

As the mountain disappeared from the landscape, a certain person flashed through the now empty space. Another flash pursued right behind the preceding one.

"No matter how fast you run, you won't escape! Luo Ling!"

A glint appeared in the eye of the one chasing behind Luo Ling.

"Hahaha! That's based on the assumption that I'm trying to escape." Luo Ling's prideful laugh echoed throughout the empty area.

"...! What do you mean, Luo Ling!" The pursuer stopped his frantic chase. Alertness rose inside his mind as he looked at Luo Ling suspiciously.

At this moment, the man with the surname Luo invoked fear in his heart. The person thought that Luo Ling wasn't as simple-minded as he seemed.

Just then, he heard the voice of Luo Ling reach his ears. "Well, you're right! I am trying to escape! Hahaha!"

The pursuer's gaze turned dark as he saw Luo Ling's figure fade from his view. He continued on his pursuit as he launched his body from the ground, creating a large crater in his wake.

The pursuer had 10 gold-stroked gems lit up so he had sight that could see up to a dozen miles away. However, even this didn't help him track down Luo Ling.

"Luo Ling! You won't be able to hide from me!" The dark face of the pursuer shouted in the middle of nowhere.

Meanwhile, the long-gone Luo Ling continued on his way.

Around him were withering trees that leaked ooze from their trunks, dark fog that would block a normal person's sight completely, and black lakes that reeked of creature corpses and beast blood.

"I've arrived." Luo Ling let out a resigned sigh as he trekked into the Caliginous Forest for the first time.

The ancient records had lost count of how many geniuses entered this forest long ago. Every single one that went inside never came back.

This was the reason why another name for the Caliginous Forest was the Graveyard of Geniuses.

As Luo Ling got deeper into the eerie woodland, the corpses lessened in number.


Luo Ling's foot had stepped onto a decomposed head of a human body. The skull was already fractured before he did the final blow.

"Uhh..." Infiltrating his nasal cavity was the stench of the deceased. However, he didn't have the luxury to be bothered since the sound of a pressure plate being pressed arrived in his ear.

An abrupt arrow launched from his left side, trying to lodge itself into his neck.

"Goddammit!" Luo Ling was taken aback by the sudden arrow that appeared out of nowhere.

However, his sudden exclamation didn't mean that he panicked. He took a slight step back and avoided the arrow effortlessly.

When the arrow passed by his neck, he felt an intense heat coming from it. The next thing he knew, the arrow pierced through ten trees, burning their trunks in the process.

. -. -. -.

That was a sneak preview of The God's Realm (reboot).

Yes, that's right, I'm restarting this shitty series.

If there's still any of you that reads this, or wants to read it, then you should wait for the reboot to come out, a little later in the month.

Thanks for everyone that supported this short lived project!

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