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It's been what? Half a year since the police came into their house now. Daehwi took over Jinyoung's room in his presence, Jisung had retired from his position from being a housemaid. But Jisung still comes and visits Daehwi to check in, that's only because he made a promise with Jinyoung one time when he met him.

Jisung went to police station where Jinyoung was attended with Daehwi left at home. Jisung had come to inform Jinyoung of his resignation. He checked in with the front desk and followed behind an officer to go to a hall to wait on Jinyoung.

Here they are, sitting in front of each other with glass in between the two. Jinyoung's expression didn't change, except for couple bruises. Jisung only sighed before he says what he want to comment.

"How's it going in there? Have you been fighting someone?"

"You got no idea on what's going on in here. Haha.."

Jisung smiled once he heard Jinyoung's laughter.

"Jinyoung-ssi. I think my time is up, I'm retiring from being a housemaid for you."

Jinyoung nodded when Jisung said what he needed to say.

"I knew this day would come. Even if you leave, promise me this okay? Make sure Daehwi is healthy, don't let him skip meals. Also don't let him doing crazy stupid stuff when I'm here."

"Yes, I'll pay a visit once or twice a month."

"Since I was prepared ahead of time, there's a box for your retirement money, take it. It should be in the empty room."

Jisung nodded, the police behind Jinyoung stepped forward and pulled him up.

"Time's up, please exit."

Jisung watches Jinyoung walk away with guards following behind. Jisung stood and left the hall once Jinyoung wasn't seen anymore. Jinyoung's word kept replaying in his head, it wasn't difficult to make a visit after all. He's been visiting Daehwi day after day, the younger seemed healthy and have no problems in wanting to kill himself.

"Daehwi-ah! I brought fried chicken!"

Jisung shouted then heard heavy footsteps coming towards him. Jisung catched Daehwi when Daehwi tripped on his own foot.

"Gosh, you should be careful when you're coming down."

"Sorry hyung~ I've been craving for some fried chicken after all. Hehe.."

Daehwi showed a bright smile, oh how bad Jisung felt that he gets to see this instead of Jinyoung. Jisung led Daehwi to the dining room and take out the bucket of fried chicken. Jisung brought two buckets in case one wasn't enough for the two. They got plates and started to dig in on the chicken happily.

While Jinyoung, he stayed in his cell for so long, he refused to leave for lunch, breakfast, dinner, and outdoor activity. He was sitting beside his bed just staring at the wall ahead. The clothing he had on was dirty, nearly worn out. He was only beatened when he pissed off an cellmate for being ignorant. Jinyoung pictured Daehwi living happily wherever he's at in case he is forced out of the house. Jinyoung smiled like a madman as he imagined Daehwi's face. It was dinner when the alarm went off, hunger took over his body and walked off to the cafeteria. He held his given tray and headed off to an empty table and tiny bits of the food on the tray. It was disgusting, yeah, but Jinyoung can't fight his hunger.


Jinyoung didn't stop eating even when other inmates slammed their hands on the table that he was eating. Simply put it, he ignored them which obviously pissed off the hand's owner. The inmate grabbed Jinyoung which made him stop eating, which didn't bother him since he was able to get something to eat for now. He can last another few weeks, the next thing he knew was a punch thrown at his face. He fallen to the ground, he heard them laughing and continued to ignore it. This is what happened last time, but last time was another story which would explain the bruises that he had covered.

"What huh? Aha, you're not gonna get back up and fight me like last time? Tsk, what a weakling."

Jinyoung got back to his feet and stood there in front of the voice owner. Jinyoung really doesn't want to make the same mistake, then again he can control his anger now. Just when he turned away, he was blocked off by other inmates who were probably friends with the other guy.

"When Diggy is talking to you, you should stay and respond to him kid."

Yeah, apparently the inmates been calling that guy 'Diggy' as a nickname, why? Jinyoung doesn't know why. Jinyoung sighed before being pushed against 'Diggy', he had already know what's happening next. This could also be a reason why he would avoid these occasions. He made that mistake already the first time he followed the scheduled activities on his first day, man what a horrifying experience for him. It's like being kidnapped all over again but the damage is lighter.


He heard cheers from the crowd once he met the ground again, just when he rolled over to his back, he felt a heavy weight on his stomach. Punches was thrown at every spot of his body, even the police tried their best to seperate Diggy. Jinyoung's eyes gotten blurry, he can feel warm liquid rolling down his face. Just out of a nowhere, he thought of Daehwi, he smiled sadly as he closed his eyes fantasizing himself holding onto Daehwi.

"Look! He's smiling! Yo he like to get those punches!"

Jinyoung heard the inmates say, he continued to smile till punches is meeting his face, the police really can't even stop Diggy. Oh how much Jinyoung wanted to throw Diggy off and leave the scene. Just when he thought of that, he gathered his courage and strength before attempting to throw him off. Tables, chairs, trays crashed meeting the ground, Jinyoung had did it, even in his terrible condition. Jinyoung noticed the looks of officers and inmates that was watching. He turned and shoved passed the inmate crowd, but then he was held onto other officers, he let them do whatever. As long as they don't throw any punches towards him then he's fine with that. He was then dragged back to his cell after that incident, those officers helped him to a nursery room to help with the bleeding and other places that could be a serious wound. He went to sleep, sitting up against the wall, not taking the bed that given to him.

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