What's this called again? Love

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Through weeks passed neither 'Kamal' or 'Jody' tried to talk to each other, but they looked sad.'Soud' noticed that the joy in 'Kamal's face had gone, so he decided to talk to him.

'Soud':"Hi, Kamal" he replied :"hi" then 'Soud' continued:"Remember that book i gave it to you in the two weeks holiday?" he replied:"ofcourse" then 'Soud' said:" I can't remember what kind of books it was can you remind me?" he  said:"It was a sad romantic book" , " Ahhha, so can you guess why it was sad?" said 'Soud' and 'Kamal' replied "yes, because the hero and the heroine of the story who loved each other didn't admit there love" 'Soud' smiled and said:"Then you have to tell her that you love her!" 'Kamal' replied fast:" I don't love her" , "Who??" said 'Soud', 'Kamal' replied:"Jody" then 'Soud' smiled and start laughing and said:"So you love Jody!" , 'Kamal' tried to deny it, but 'Soud' got him in the end. And they decided that he need to talk to her and tell her about his feelings! so he sent her a letter.

 And they decided that he need to talk to her and tell her about his feelings! so he sent her a letter

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

After the school's day is over, 'Kamal' was waiting in the field then 'Jody' came. He started talking to her but he was just going none sense,then she inturrpted him and said:"You brought me just to say that" 'Kamal' was Floundering in his speech then 'Jody' turned away and was going, then 'Kamal' shouted:"I love you!"..............................

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