Chapter One: DWMA

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"Welcome to 'Death Weapon Meister Academy' or in short, 'DWMA'! I am Lord Death, the chairman of this school." The tall creature said in a ridiculous accent that does not match his appearance by a long shot. He was talking to a new student located in his room... if you would actually call it a room, more like a different dimension. They were ona white platform-like stage surrounded by graves and cute white clouds floating by. The creature was inside this tall mirror. It wasn't the creepiest thing ever seen, it's just plain weird. The student was a female exorcist from New York and I am that student. My name is Momoko Heartfilia but I go by the nickname, Momo. I was raised in a Christian Monostary as my necklace represents Jesus Christ hanging on a silver cross. I have long black hair in a high ponytail and bright blue eyes. I am using a basic button-down white shirt and ripped black skinny jeans. I usually only use black because I am an exorcist and usually hunt at night. I'm using a pair of black and white osiris sneakers and have two chains hanging on my jeans, one has a black wolf tail hanging on it. *Yes, it's a real wolf's tail* I have a leather jacket on and a black scarf on that's pretty tattered up. I have my hood over my head also.

"It's pretty different here than in New York, huh?" Lord Death asked, trying to make conversation and fill in the awkwardness in the air.

"I can see that, A lot more brighter... and less creepy..." I mumbled. I went to a regular school in New York and then hunted demons at night. I never took classes on how to kill them, not educational ones at least. I took combat lessons from the preist of the monostary. He was pretty badass for a priest.

"As you know, we hunt kishins and feed their souls to our partners, our weapons to create a death scythe, one of my personal instruments. You are technically a meister but you don't need a weapon partner since you can produce your own." I nod at his correct facts. "So you won't be hunting kishins but actual demons. Ever since the death of Asura, the kishins have been stirring and about a week ago, one of our students was killed by a demon. Him and his weapon partner were eaten. We have never had a demon attack in Death City, actually... they shouldn't be in this part of the world."

"The darkness is getting stronger on our end too. The number of demon attacks in the north have tripled and more deaths of bystanders are happening." I told him.

"The reason I called you here is because I want you to exterminate these demons... and if more turn up... train my students to deal with them..." 

"It would be an honor, Lord Death." I bow to him.

"Now now, no need to bow." 

"He he."

"Anyway, on a lighter note, welcome!" I smiled. For a god of death, he's quite cheery. Lord Death then sent me off to class. I'll be starting in the EAT class *Especially Advantaged Talent* that his son is in. I wonder if he's more like a Grim Reaper then his father. I opened the door and was met by Dr.Stein. He reminds me of Sir Lloyd *character from Code Geass* only Stein seems to actually have common sense.

"Ah! Are you Momoko Heartfilia?" He asked, fixing his glasses. I think Stein is more weird on the outside instead of the inside. He has these... stitches on his face... probably his whole body. Wait... is that a screw sticking out of his skull? HOLY SHIT...

"What's up with the screw?" I ask hm, not even bothering to answer his question.

"It's a fashion statement. Come in." He bellowed. I walked in and saw a whole bunch of eyes staring at me. It was the whole class. "You can have that seat next to Kidd." I scan the room and see hand being raised up to let me know where he was. He has very black, pitch black hair with three white stripes on the left side of his hair and seemed to only be on one side. Is that another fashion statement? As I walked towards him, I felt two souls that have a very close connection to him. Must be his weapon partners. I look farther next to him and see two girls. They look like sisters, twins by the look of their souls. They were blonde's but one had long hair while the other was more in a bob hairstyle and they both have blue eyes. Their eyes aren't as bright as mine though. I got within two steps to the chair when he pulled it out for me to sit. He smiled at me and my heart literally flitted... like... wut... no... But he is a gentleman.

"Thank you." I say, taking my seat. 

"My pleasure." The rest of the day were just the teachers introducing themselves. It seems we only have three teachers; Dr.Stein, Miss Marie and Sid-sensei. In New York we get 8 different teachers. The bell rang for dissmissal and I didn't notice that my music was on until a white haired boy asked about it.

"Is that Fallout Boy?" Someone asked, bringing me away from my thoughts. I was met by a white-haired emo with red eyes. I almost mistook him for a demon but I didn't sense any darkness in him.

"Yeah, you listen?" 

"Hell yeah!" He brought his right hand out to shake. "The name's Soul." 

"Momo." I took his hand. Suddenly I see a cute girl pop up behind him. That's Maka, the one who killed Asura. Her pale blonde hair still in pigtails but longer and her green eyes more mature and held determination in them.

"Hello! My name is Maka!" We shook hands too. Maka left Soul to chat with me about music. I didn't know he had a good taste in music! I let him go when we got outside because I had a mission I had to get ready for. I began to walk down those unbelievable stair case when I was suddenly yanked back. I didn't really jerk back, I just paused and looked behind me. I was met by three very angry looking girls...

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