The Subway

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"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you? Because it's really no problem. Besides, you never know what you'll find down there," my best friend Annie offered as we were heading to the subway stop that was supposed to take me back to my apartment. See, we live in New York City, Manhattan to be specific. The streets are riddled up and down with night clubs, which Annie and I were supposed to get hammered at. There was confusion about who was going to be the designated one, and we both thought it was the two of us. So we both ended up not drinking for the entire night, which landed us both in a grumpy mood.

"No, I think I'll be fine," I sighed. We talked about anything new that happened, like Jane Wallace's sudden revelation that she was pregnant. We both knew her from school, but we both knew it wasn't a surprise. She flirted as if it were her business. I know we shouldn't talk about other people, but we were bored and nothing else had come to mind.

After an eternity of waiting, we finally heard the rumble of the subway car. It whooshed past us before slowing to a stop.

"About time," Annie grumbled as she lit a cigarette.

"Alright, be safe babe," she said as she gave me a quick hug.

"Bye," I waved as the doors flew open. She watched me walk in, and with the close of the doors and me finding a seat, the subway whooshed off again, leaving the station behind. I sighed, taking my book out and starting at the place I left off. I know, who brings a book to a subway station, much less a party? I get bored fairly quickly, and entertainment is hard to come by. At least I was the only one in the car. Nobody else was there to bother me, and the only sounds were the humming of the electricity within the car and the occasional rumble on the tracks.

About 5 minutes later, the car began slowing to a stop. I looked up. 2nd. I lived on 20th. Either this was the wrong stop or someone else was getting on. It stopped, the doors opened, and the sound of dragging could be heard. I glanced up and saw two men coming in, dragging with them a woman.

Fantastic, a drunkie, I thought as they took their spots across from me. The two men smiled briskly at me as I grinned uncomfortably at them back. But the woman didn't say anything and just stared creepily at me. I tried my best to ignore it, but she kept staring.

Not once did she break her contact with me. Not even as the subway slowed, yet again, to stop on 15th. A young man then entered, about my age. He had unkempt brown hair, with chocolate brown eyes to match. He glanced at me and smirked, and I blushed, grinning and keeping my eyes on my book. However, the woman didn't break her gaze to look at him. She just kept looking at me, unresponsive and all. The creepiest thing about her was that she didn't even blink. The other man seemed to notice, and so did the other men. The two glanced to each other, then the other man, then me, as if an ultimate stare-off ensued. The train then slowed to a stop, and the young man got up, heading for the door. But not before grasping my wrist and making a dash for it. We got out, but I started struggling.

"Let me go! What're you doing?!" I yelled. He shushed me, dragged us both behind a wall and threw a hand over my mouth. This was it. The moment I've been dreading: I was gonna get violated and murdered. But his eyes were pleading, as if they were to say trust me. The sounds of footsteps and dragging could be heard, and then faded away. Once they were out of earshot, I threw the man's hand off of me.

"What the hell was that about?!" I whisper-shouted to him. 

"Are you serious? Did you not notice the woman's eyes?" He replied. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yeah...? What did that have to do-"

"I'm a medical student, but it could take no doctor to tell a dead woman from a living one." I was about to protest when I thought back to her. She never moved her body or took her gaze away from me once. Not unless the movements of the subway did it for her. And those eyes...those cold, lifeless eyes...I ran a hand through my hair as I leaned against the wall for support. 

" could I have been so stupid? I mean, I knew something was off about her, but I just couldn't make it out."

"Nah, you're not stupid, but I had to get you out of there. Those men were looking at you like they had their next victim."

"Well, thank you, uh...?" 

"Matt." I grinned.

"How about you?" 

"I'm Beth." He ended up walking me home and we ended up talking about a whole lot of things, like our interests and all that. Apparently he was a student at the same University I went to, NYiU. When we got to my apartment, I thanked him and we exchanged phone numbers, which led to him asking me out on a date and I accepted. No matter, but Annie was going to have quite the story when I saw her tomorrow...

A/N: This story isn't really mine, I've seen it around on Pinterest and some other places and thought I'd rewrite it. I don't know who the real author is, but yeah. Not mine.

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