The Deal

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(A/N: This was an idea I found off of Pinterest even though it was og from Tumblr but props to the person who came up with it I just wanted to make a story out of it)

Of all days, today just had to be the day where Hades, the god of the Underworld, was down on his luck. It just so happened that today Persephone, his estranged wife, was coming down to their dark abode to talk to him finally since the great big fight they had (she went to stay with her mother--typical), and everything was just a royal mess. The castle looked as if the douchebag Boreas, wind of the north, had wreaked havoc all over the place, and Persephone absolutely hated messy. The demons in charge of torturing the damned souls in the Fields of Punishment? They all decided they had a say in taking the day off. The souls now had the chance to escape, and took that chance they did, flying amuck all over downtown LA and possibly the world by now. But the worst thing that could possibly happen at the moment was that Cerberus, the three-headed guard dog at the entrance of the Underworld that made sure souls only got in, had gotten loose. Persephone's grown attached to lumbering Mastiff of a dog, and it was the only thing she loved about the Underworld. However, if Hades were a human, he'd make out the point that he would die without her. He truly wanted to rekindle their relationship and make it better for the two of them. In order to do that, he needed to find that dog.


    Meanwhile, Cerberus was living the life. Well, the life of a normal dog, that is. He bounded down the streets of Los Angeles, and miraculously people didn't notice the fact that he had two other heads. They were too preoccupied with the souls of dead people flying around and scaring the living daylights out of them. But Cerberus paid no mind to them and focused on something more important: food. He looked around until he spotted an abandoned hot dog cart. The owner was nowhere to be seen, probably ran for cover when the escaped souls were out raising hell. He trotted over and pigged out while, well, you know, all hell broke loose. After eating his share, he lumbered over to a fire hydrant and cocked his head. He saw something like this before, and knew water was in it. He sniffed all the way around it and huffed in frustration. Then, one of the heads got an idea. He began pushing on it with his brute strength until it bent to the point where water was spiraling out of control. The three heads happily lapped the water up, even though it was spraying at a force that could tear human skin off. He continued his little romp around the city until he ended up at Griffith Park, right below the observatory. He spent the early morning chasing pigeons and seagulls before finding shade under a giant tree. Apollo was really making himself noticeable today. Well, he was kind of a hothead (no pun intended). Cerberus then felt quite sleepy, so he made his way underneath a giant tree, and plopped down, instantly finding both comfortable shade and a peaceful sleep.


    Cerberus then woke up and found how it was nearly lunch. He got up, yawned and stretched, and went off to see where his next adventure will take him. He trotted down Rodeo Drive, thinking about what his next meal might be when he passed an alleyway, and heard...crying? He cocked all three of his heads and decided to go check it out. Food can wait. His heads went sniffing past all the crates and trash cans, until he was at the very end. One of his heads peeked around an abandoned trash can, and saw a little girl, curled up into a ball and crying her eyes out. He could imagine so, since all that happened this morning. She must've been heading to school when everything started. Upon closer inspection, Cerberus found marks all over her body. Somebody had hurt her, bad. She looked up and took one look at the giant three-headed dog and began freaking out. She backed up against the wall, her whimpers growing louder by the second. He cocked his heads again and began to pant, trying to show her that he was far from dangerous, despite his two other heads. The little girl then wiped her eyes with her tiny hands, and got up.

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