lessons and lunch ➵ chapter 4

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brooke lynn entered her science room, her stomach a bundle of nerves. vanjie followed close behind. there was a few students already sat down, none that brooke recognised. she stared up at the board, which had a seating plan and a teachers name. miss velour. she found her name on the seating plan to see where she was sat. front row, next to 'nina w' who she realised was the nina she met yesterday. brooke was thrilled.

vanjie, however, had mixed opinions. she was sat next a girl called 'yvie o'. as soon as yvie stepped in she remembered that she was the girl from before. 'shit'

the lesson began, miss velour was a bald women, with some spooky eyeshadow (which yvie appreciates) and she wore simple black shirt and pants. she wasn't strict, she was just a bit serious.

vanjie and yvie sat in awkward silence whilst brooke and nina talked and giggled. the lesson was soon over and brooke and vanjie headed to music, whilst yvie and nina went to sewing. brooke's nerves had managed to calm themselves down as they stepped into the music room.

as brooke stepped in, she saw a familiar face. it was rajah. vanjie ran straight over to her, sitting and and starting conversation. brooke had no where to go so she sat down next to a seemingly nice girl called akeria. the teacher entered, a tall girl called miss delano, but insisted that everyone called her adore. they soon found out they would be singing.

"would anyone volunteer to sing?" adore asked.  vanjies hand shot up.

she began to sing along to the song playing in perfect key and pitch, starting slow and steady until she was belting out notes left, right and centre. everyone stood in awe watching. brooke fell a little bit more in love.

in nina's sewing class, things weren't going as smoothly. yvie had been placed next to ariel and nina, and within the first five minutes an argument had broken out between ariel and yvie. oh and the teacher was miss visage. nina wasn't usually one to be easily intimidated by anyone and would always speak up, but this was an exception.

"so, why were you such a bitch to raja yesterday?" ariel asked, an evil glint in her eye. yvie was fuming.

"actually, it was raja starting on me, not the other way round,"

"hmm okay, it didn't seem that way but..."

"you better focus boo,"

"i am focused,"

"really? your sewing says otherwise."

ariel and nina was at a loss for words as yvie finished her design. ariel looked down and realised yvie was right: the proportions were all off. ariel groaned in frustration, and started again. nina felt horrendously bad for both of them, and the next lesson couldn't have come sooner.

nina's next lesson was maths, and ariel and yvies were english, leaving nina to walk to her maths by herself.

when she arrived, she scanned the classroom to see if she knew anyone, but everyone was unfamiliar. not that she minded, it would be easy to make friends. she sat next to a small girl called soju, who seemed pretty sweet. her teacher was mr matthews, but let everyone call him ross. nina learnt that he was also the guidance counsellor.

brooke lynns next lesson was english. she walked out of the music room without even glancing at vanjie and went to her english room. she walked in and a nice looking teacher was sat at her desk. there were a few spare seats and she sat down next to yvie, not before noticing that rajah and ariel were in this lesson, glaring at anyone who walked past.

the teachers name was miss pearl. she was nice enough, although she seemed half asleep. brooke could feel rajah and ariels piercing stares but didn't dare look round.

"i got into an argument with ariel," yvie said in a hushed tone.

"shit, what happened?" brooke asked, in barely a whisper ensuring that the others wouldn't hear.

"called her out for being unpolished and being a bitch. she wasn't happy, of course. but i think i got my point across."

brooke wasn't happy in the slightest. it was only the second day, and her group had managed to get into drama with another group. this gave her heightened anxiety: confrontation was not her thing. as the bell for lunch rang, they began to pack away, and brooke hoped that nothing would happen in lunch.

she was wrong.

nina and brooke sat down at a small table, waiting for yvie to go get her school lunch. nina was talking to brooke about exactly what happened in sewing between yvie and ariel.

"it's just not right! they shouldn't be picking on her for nothing. we're only on day two, and if this is how it's going so far then-" nina was cut off by a loud voice from the middle of the lunch room. looking over they realised that it was yvie, arguing with rajah and ariel with vanjie stood close by.

"ah shit, here we go again." brooke murmured as they approached the girls. they could hear snippets of the conversation.

"why'd you call ariel unpolished?"

"because she is, im telling the truth."

"okay so if she's unpolished, what are you?"

rajah turned back to her group and said "this bitch is really calling us unpolished? she should crawl back to the fucking swamp she came from!" nina had had enough at this point, and decided to step in.

"woah woah woah, what's going on?"

"aw look, it's your little clique coming to save you! what do we have here? a troll, a girl who's way in over her head and a mute!" rajah turned to brooke lynn. "what's wrong, cat got your tongue?" ariel burst into a fit of giggles but vanjie wasn't having it.

"hey, don't say shit about brooke. she's fine. come on girls, let's just leave it."

brooke smiled appreciatively at vanjie and mouthed 'i'm sorry' as the two groups went separate ways, leaving yvie and nina fuming.

"i cannot believe they said that! and calling you mute, it's disgusting!" nina said, angrily biting into her chocolate bar.

"it's fine nina, i'm fine. i'm just glad it didn't get worse." brooke spoke quietly, almost scared that someone would hear. she'd be lying if she said that the comment made didn't hurt her.

the last bell rang, signalling the last lesson of the day. brooke perked up slightly, realising it was dance. nina and yvie both had a different lesson, so they all set off.

words: 1100

hey guys! hope you all enjoyed this chapter. i'm so unbelievably thrilled with the amount of support i'm getting on all of these books, and i'm so so grateful! ily all!💘


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