0.1- Luke.

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I stared up at my counsellor Ben March for what seemed like forever as I lost my track of thoughts in the conversation we were discussing which we had been over before.

He picked up the note pad, as he began to write my thoughts down again, even thou I had turned mute he knew how I was feeling.

Emotions are a hard thing to deal with, bottling them up is never a good thing, it’s like the demon inside my head isn’t wanting me to carry on, and never to be the same person, I was 5 years ago.

5 years ago today, it happened, it’s not the same with her not being here, I know she’s out there somewhere in the world.

Maybe she’s still in the same country or, in a different country or even a different continent for all I know.

 I just need to know whether she is safe and well.

But I know dam fucking well it’s a lie.

It’s hard to think that she’s ok, when you don’t even know a thing;

 There was no sighting of her anywhere, when the incident happened.

Nobody saw who took her.

She kind of just vanished out of nowhere; in a blink of an eye.

I bit my lip ring and licked my tongue over it; my eyes darted around the room as I took in the sight of it once again in the second hour of being stuck here. It was based the 11th floor of this building, I can’t think of the name right now. Not in this moment of time.

The glass window behind Ben’s desk which was put based in the middle of the room was the most breath taking view of Sydney’s landscape, the walls were painted a light cream colour, and the floor was covered in marble stone tiles. There was a book case to the right side of the room, cluttered with books, pens, papers, folders, unnecessary personal belongings, key rings, mugs and pictures. Anything you could think of was placed on each of the ten big shelves fitted into the bookcase itself.

There was a dusky colour rug to the left of the room, a tall painting was hung centre. It was a perfect painting of a sunset, a couple holding hands facing the calm sea in front of them, the atmosphere of it seemed like it was almost turning to dusk.


It seemed like more of a real photo, rather than a painting.

A bin was placed just left by the glass desk Ben worked at.

It was quite a simple layout of a dream office. The smell of Lavender and pomegranate took out a scent of the room’s old feeling of a new car type of smell.

I felt relaxed, being here.

It settled the nervousness taking over my body.

My eyes darted back to Ben as the sound of his pen dropped back onto the glass table as it made a rattling noise as I furrowed my eyebrows at him; shifting heavily in my seat again, to make myself feel more comfortable.

‘Sorry Luke didn’t mean to scare you’ Ben replied hastily as his eyes moved up from his piece of paper.

I nodded at him in response as I ran my fingers through my quiff.

‘Now, I know today’s kind of an important day for you’ he began, my eyes slightly fell heavy.

I sunk down in the chair, hoping he wouldn’t’ bring up her name which always dared to leave my mouth once again.

‘I can tell that you don’t want me to say her name Luke, but once in a while it’s good to get things out of your system, I’m trying so hard with you so that you can actually speak again, your Mum is worried sick about you’ He recalled.

“Yeah I’m pretty sure my mum isn’t worried about me”

He was about the say something else but he got off from a sharp ringing noise fulfilling the atmosphere.

My eyes seemed to daze on him for a while as he huffed in frustration as he realised the session was over.

His hand flicked the switch of on the stop clock next to him; he smiled weakly at me almost as if he felt some sort of sorrow wash over him.

‘Well Luke it was nice seeing you again, I’ll see you again the same time as next week, if you have any problem’s feel free to text me or get your Mum to call me’ He babbled’.

I shook my head in response to what he had just said once again. Getting up from my seat I smiled at him in a way of saying thank you.

I took this as my chance to walk out the door, my hand reached the door as I opened the door in a hurry, and my head turned around to see Ben was still in the same position

Stepping outside the room I shut the door quietly behind me, I turned right heading for the lift.

Maybe today won’t be a bad day after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2014 ⏰

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