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Will's Pov.
I was just sketching and realized what I drew. It was the mind flyer, again. I haven't seen him for almost two years. I crumble up the paper and start on another, hopefully, something new. When I'm done drawing I see that I drew Mike. "Mike?" I smile a little. I pick up the paper. "Are you ready?" Jonathan said opening the door of my bedroom.

I slam the paper on the desk with shock, and to hide the picture away from Jonathan. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked. "Noth- Yes I'm okay" I said responding to different question at first. I look down. "Can I see your drawing" I look up at him walking forward. All I do is slam my hand on the piece of paper I shake my head, no, and say "I'm not finished". Jonathan knows that I don't like anyone to see my drawings until it's finished.

"Okay, Mom is going to work and Mike's mom called if you want to go over" Jonathan smiles sightly "y-yeah I'll go" I say putting the piece of paper in my drawer that I put all my unfinished drawings and there is now three in there. One I need to color, the other is just the details, and the other on was finished, Mike.
"Okay I'll drive up and drop you off" He said leaving my room to grab the keys. I pack my sketch book and colored pencils, crayons, markers, and two pencils. I also grab my walkie talkie just in case Jonathan needs something or I get lost again. Just thinking about it makes me shiver. I walked out my room to see the lights slowly flick and I close my eyes and stay there for a little bit. When I opened my eyes agian the lights were normal. You're just seeing things. I say to myself as I walk outside to see Jonathan in his car waiting for me. I hopped in the passenger seat and looked out the window. "how long were you waiting for me?" I say breaking the slience. Jonathan looked at me then back to the road "almost two minutes, not long" he smiles. I smile sightly and look back at the window.

When we arrive I see Mike on the porch and tearing up. I jumped out the car and ran up to him. "Mike?" I whisper yell at him, all that Mike does is stand up and hug me tightly. "What wrong?" I ask worried. "It's Eleven, she said she doesn't like me anymore she said she never did" He sighed. "O- what! Why wouldn't she love you" I say looking down. "I don't- I don't know" Mike said. Will?" He asks. "Yeah?" I say quietly "let's go inside" Mike said standing up. "yeah sure" I say walking in and Mike following. "What do you want to watch?" Mike said sitting on his bed. "I-i don't know... Anything" I respond not trying to make him feel overwhelmed. I set in chair that was pretty uncomfortable.

"Hey will, you could sit next to me you know" Mike said patting the space next to him. "How about Ghost Buster's?" Mike said when I sat next to him. "Yeah sure" I say fiddling with my fingers. Mike layed down once the movie was almost over. I layed down as well, kind of close to Mike but on my side to not make it awkward. I feel asleep before Mike so I don't know what Mike did when I was asleep.

1:30 Am

I opened my eyes to see that I have my head and half my body was on Mike's stomach, so me having a crush on him I move my head to his chest gently, but not that gently, I guess. "Will?" I hear I whisper "uh- Yeah?" I whisper looking up at him looking tired, which I was. "You know you don't need to afraid to lay on me" Mike smiled. "Oh- I-" I blush hardly still looking at him. "Are you embarrassed?"

Mike said rubbing my back. "I- I guess so..." I say quietly. "No need, just lay on me when you need to" he said closing his eyes agian. I close my eyes, but not for long.

"Mike?" I yell put, but no answer. "MIKE?!" I scream louder and louder until I see him, him trapped, trapped in the upside down. "Mike" I whisper tearing up.

I wake up breathing heavily. I grab onto the closest thing, Mike's hand, when I grab onto his hand tightly, It wakes him up and he's confused. "What is it will?" He said obviously blushing. I blush when he wakes up with his messy hair and light, gentle voice. "I-a nightmare" I say quietly. "Of...?" Mike said starting to rub the back of my hand. "You, in the upside" I say tearing up. "Hey, it's alright" He said giving me a hug and holding me tightly. I slowly get into his lap crying lightly into his shoulder. "Shhhh, it's okay" Mike said in a gentle voice. "Just lay on me, maybe that would help" he said smiling and still, rocking back and forth slowly.

"But- Um- What?" I answer confused why he would offer it. "Just lay down on me, like your head" He smiles. I hesitate before placing my head on Mike's chest and put the covers over me. My head on his chest and same with one of arms the other by Mike's hand. Before regretting it I put my finger tips onto the palm of Mike's hand. He slowly grabbed a grip onto my hand and we both smiled as we both feel asleep.

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