Chapter 6

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I turned my head to see Tae just barely opening his eyes. Had he heard us? "No..." He said more clearly. "I wrapped my hand in his, "Tae what do you mean no?" I asked. "I'm not letting you hurt yourself for my mistakes!" He yelled at me then he winced in pain. "And I don't need surgery! I've been through this before, just take it out through stomach." Then I started to remember anytime his shirt would lift up to much or he would take it off, there was always this white line that's looked like a scar.

"Sir you didn't have as much in you then as you do now. I'm sorry but I must perform surgery to save your life!" I let go of his hand and walked to the door calling the nurses in. "I need you to take a lot of blood from m-" "No!" I ignored him. "Whatever the doctor needs, take more okay? I don't care if it harms me, your top priority is him!" I said to the nurses never leaving the faces. "God damnit Park Jimin you stop this right now!" Tae started to yell, then winced in pain again.

The doctors told the nurses how much he needed and they widened their eyes and pulled me outside. "Sir we can not take as much as you want, the doctor needs a very large amount, you could slip in a coma if we even take that much!" She said starring into my eyes.

"I know...." I said finally. Then I  didn't look away, but their eyes seemed to almost popout their heads. "Sir.." "Look I know the risks but I love him! I would do anything for him! Please just do it!" I started to get frustrated, but their eyes turned soft again and they nodded.

We walked back in and I saw Tae asleep again, "What happened?" I asked. "I gave him medicine to make him fall back asleep while we take your blood. He was steady yelling and I'm sorry but I had to." I nodded in understanding then rolled my sleeves.

~A few hours later~

I sat at his bedside holding his hand. Well I hope i was, I couldn't feel anything and my vision was blurry. I heard a knock, it was the band. "Hey...what is happening? The doctor told us you were giving a lot of fucking blood!" Yoongi said worried. I looked at them but looked back to Tae. 

Soon after the doctor came in and explained everything to them. I just sat there holding his hand caresing it. "Sir?" I was snapped back. "Yes?" Not even looking up. "He must go into surgery now, he will be out soon.." I nodded still not letting go of him. Then he explained the death rate  chances. It was a 50/50 chance. I stood up and looked at him but got so dizzy I had to sit back down. "You will do EVERYTHING in your power and if he doesn't come out alive....i will kill you all!" I yelled. The doctor nodded and the nurses took his bed. I looked at the others and I felt like fainting. "Hey you need to rest Jimin." I felt arms go around me, they were Jin's.  "What you did was foolish, you should have never aloud them to take this much blo-" "I told them too!" I interrupted. "I told them to take more than they needed..i just wanted to be safe. This is my fault after all!" I said starting to stand up. "You need to sleep.." Hobi said. "No I can't sleep for another 30 minutes. I could slip into a co-" then for me everything went black.

~Yoongi's POV~

He started to fall over and I ran to him catching his head just in time. "Nurse!" I head Namjoon scream. They rushed in and got him up on a stretcher. "No sir come on I need you awake! I can't let you slip away!" She yelled. Then other ran in pushing us all to the side. "CLEAR!" I heard someone shout. Then I heard the monitor start to beep again.  I threw my head into my hands as I bent down. What the fuck was happening with this group lately?

~Some time later~

~Jimin's POV~

I woke up in a white room. I looked at the time it was 3:43 am. Tae was out of surgery by now. I needed to see him! I looked over to see everyone spread out on the floors and chairs. They stayed with me? What about Tae? I looked out the door and I didn't see anyone. I wripped out my IVs and got up. It took me a second but I was normal i was fine.

I walked to Tae's room but no one was there. I looked around maybe I had the wrong room. Yeh that was it! I looked around the entire floor with no sign if Tae. I ran to the elevator and went though the floors. There was no sign of him anywhere! Finally i found a nurse, "Excuse me can you tell me where Kim Taehyung's room is please!" She looked up shocked. She just nodded. Then i saw her press a bottom under the desk and I thought it was weird. She began to type, "I'm sorry sir but we don't have anyone here under that name." "What that's  impossible he had surgery early this afternoon!" I started to get angry and confused. "I'm sorry but there is no one here with this name! Maybe you need to lay down sir!" "I don't need anything! Not from you!" Then I left I stated to run in a direction. I didn't even know where I was. Or how to get back to my room.

Then I heard running footsteps and saw the doctor and everyone behind him. "Jimin what the hell?" Namjoon yelled. "I'm sorry but I needed to see Tae!" I said with a tear escaping my eyes. "I'm right here!" I turned to look and sure enough there he was looking untouched.

"What?" I asked in confusion. "Shouldn't you be resting? You just had surgery!" Before I knew it he was hugging me. "J-jimin.." Everyone was looking at their feet. "What? Someone tell me what's you going on?" I yelled pulling away from Tae's hug.

"Jimin...that was 2 years ago."


Sorry it's a shorter episode, I hope everyone enjoyed I will probably update again later today or tomorrow I don't know yet sorry.

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