Chapter 7

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~Jimin's POV~

"W-what?" I asked. "Jimin..." He began. "You've been in a coma for 2 years...." He said. Tears began to flow in his face, "You were in a coma for 2 years because of me..." I hugged him as tight as I could, "No I wasn't, it was my fault I made them keep taking more." Tears started to form in my eyes. "I'm so sorry, I love you!" He said. Just as I opened my mouth to say something, someone came rushing in. "Hey I came back and everyone was gone!" They said. Namjoon looked at me and Tae then to the floor again. "Who's This?" I asked. Looking for an answer in Tae's eyes. "T-this is my f-f-fiance..." Tae said. I looked at him with disbelief. "W-what?" Tae looked to the ground with everyone else. The guy looked more confused than ever. "TaeTae what's going on?" He asked walking to his side. My heart broke at that name, that was my nickname for him. I made that! I couldn't take this anymore I ran. I ran like hell! I grabbed my clothes throwing them in quickly and ran from the hospital. I couldn't take it. Why was he doing this to me? What did i do? I was in a coma for 2 years while he started dating again? I heard my phone start blowing up. They must have been keeping it charged.

TaeTae: Jimin where are you, it's not safe for you to be alone

TaeTae: Don't do this please

TaeTae: Please come back, I need to talk to you

TaeTae: Jimin answer your phone!

You have 5 missed calls from TaeTae

I continued to stare at my phone not responding to anyone.

You have 3 unread messages from Yoongi.

You have 5 unread messages from Jung Kook

You have 10 unread messages from TaeTae

I couldn't do this anymore! I put my phone in my back pocket as it started to rain. Great! I thought. I started to run again. I kept running until I couldn't breathe. I found a small little coffee shop and walked in.

"Good Morning!" A cheery girl said. I looked at the time, it was 9:52 am.

I smiled at the girl and ordered a Caramel macchiato. I walked over and took a seat still drenched from the rain. I laid my jacked on the seat to keep me from soaking it as much as possible. Soon a guy walked in, he looked around and saw me, only then did I recognize him. Yoongi....

I tried to get up and leave but he grabbed my arm, "Hey you don't have to run from me..They have no idea where I am.." He said. I sat down in the chair next to him and began to sob in his chest. The girl got the message and went to the back.

"Hey it's okay..." He said. "W-why did he do this to me?" I said between my sobs. Yoongi didn't answer, until finally the door opened. "
Taehyung walked in.. "Grab my hand!" He whispered grabbing my jacket. I took his hand and just as Tae noticed us we were already running. Yoongi took me to his car and put me in. Then he got in and drove off before Tae could catch up. The drive was long and silent for a while.

"Thank you..." I said so quiet it was almost a whisper. Yoongi smiled, "I guess it's time for me to fill you in." "Well over the passed 2 years, me and  Hoseok came out to our manager and he wasn't happy but he got over it. But w-we broke up. Jin and Namjoon are married, well going to be soon, they were waiting for you to wake up. And you know about Tae..." he said quietly.  "Wait wait back up, why did you guys break up?" I asked. I could see the sadness in his eyes, "Because I love another..." He began, "I-I just fell out of love i guess..." "Oh I'm Sorry" I saw a tear escape his eyes and I quickly wiped it. He smiled at me and I then realized we were still holding hands... "Where are we going?" I asked not letting his hand go. "Well my parents before they died, used to be drug dealers, like really bad...and they had a lot of hideouts. Well when they died all the safe houses were demolished and rebuilt since they owned them i inherited half of them while my brother inherited the other half." I stared at him with disbelief, "You've never told us that Yoongi.."

"Well I'm not very proud of it as my brother has followed their footsteps, but I haven't." I hugged him, "I'm sorry.." I said. Then we pulled to a stop, we were at a beautiful house. "Is this one of them?" I asked with my mouth open. "Mhm, but it's yours now.." He said pulling out a key. I turned to look at him, "What!?" I asked. He smiled and leaned into my ear, "It's yours!" He whispered. It sent shivers down my spine. We got out and walked up to the house. He put a code in and the doors opened. "It has very high security. Only thoes who know the code can get in unless u let them." He said. I turned around and hugged him as tight as I could, "This is amazing!" I yelled getting an echo back. Yoongi chuckled. He walked to the kitchen and began to start cooking good food. Jin and Yoongi's cooking were the best in the whole group. I continued to look around, there was a pool outside and everything.

Soon dinner was done and we ate. Afterwards we decided to play games to cheer each other up. "So how does it feel to lose again!" I said to him standing up. This time I sparked a nerve, I kept rubbing it in as he stood up and began to back me into the wall. As I tried to run he pushed me, "You think I'm actually losing? How do you know I'm not letting you win?" He was so close I could feel his breath.  "Because I'm just that good, I will beat you at everything!" I yelled laughing. He got closer to my ear and whispered, "Oh yeh? How about at this?" Then he closed our distance. He kissed me deeply, and I kissed back. His tongue began to explore my mouth. Then he started to kiss my neck and bite my collarbone. "Ah..." A small moan escaped my mouth. "His mouth came up to my ear, "That person I told you about me loving, was you..Taehyung really hurt you. Jimin.." He said picking up my chin making me look at him. "You can use me all you want, when ever you want. I'm always here for you, so please let me fuck away your pain!" I wasn't 100% sure what he meant but I liked the idea of him letting me use him. I needed This!

"Yes.." Then he crashed his lips into mine bitting and sucking my neck in multiple spots, "Fuck..." He grabbed me under my thighs and picked me up  still kiss me. I wrapped my arms around his neck holding on to him.

We walked into a huge room. He put me on the bed and we removed his shirt. He kept kissing me, as he removed my shirt. Then he continued to kiss and lick me as he traveled around my body, over my abs.  He got to the hem of my pants and began to unbuckle my belt and unzip my pants.  He pulled them down with my boxers revealing me. He grabbed me and squeezed "Mmm" then he made circles around my length as he went down. He began bobbing his head and deepthroating me. "Mm..fuckk" I moaned. He stood up and I helped him remove his pants and boxers as well. I took his fingers and began to suck them. He smiled and he started to rub his huge erection. Slowly he began to stick one finger in at a time then after 3 he pulled out and positioned him self in front of me.

He placed his knee on the bed, grabbed my waist and thrusted in as deep as he could, "FUCKK!" I screamed. He began to go harder and faster.

"FUCK YOONGI!..." I couldn't control my moaning anymore. My eyes began to fill up with tears. Fuck I could feel myself about to lose. Just as I thought that I came all over our stomachs. Yoongi chuckled, "Told you, you would lose." He whispered in my ear. Fuck he was right, but not soon after I felt him completely filling me up. "Shit!" He groaned.

He pulled out and grabbed some tissues for us to clean ourselves. Yoongi laid next to me feeling satisfied, I was too. But i couldn't help but feel like I cheated. Not at the games but on Tae...

Just then Yoongi's phone began vibrating, he looked at his phone and rolled his eyes. "Hello?" "Yoongi you have 10 minutes to get him in front of me before I kill you!" It was Taehyung. I looked at Yoongi and shook my head. "He said he doesn't want to see you." I rolled over and curled into a ball under the blanket. "Wait he's with you right now?" "Yes." Then Yoongi hung up before Tae could respond. "I'll take care of it my love." He whispered in my ear kissing my neck. Then he got up and got dressed and headed out of the house.

I got up and did the same thing only I just went to get my phone from the table.

You have 67 unread messages from TaeTae

You have 45 miss calls from TaeTae

I opened the texts and read the last few.

TaeTae: Jimin please I saw you with Yoongi

TaeTae: Please I don't want to marry him!

TaeTae: I love you...

What have I done?


Sorry I was losing stuff for this plot so I had to throw something to balance it so for all Vmin shippers like my self I'm sorry for the Yoomin smut...bye

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