monstrous feminine

110 7 2

may 1, 2019


I am the girl who bit God in the wrist / 

now on bloodied hands and knees I crawl to him / at the gates of heaven / the fires burn away the evil in me / until I am barely alive / heavy with remorse, heavy with the caress of Death

can't you, Merciless One,  find mercy in the depths your heart? / 

(but to be a God is / to sacrifice your Humanity / 

a God does not have a heart like a Mortal / oh, what a heavy burden it is.../ oh, what a heavy heart to carry each turn of the wheel /)

He sees me with eyes of Pure Light / and I reap what I sow. 

like a fallen angel, I take the plunge into the vastness of your abysses, raining down on the tragedy of this life to come / I dive into the oceans of your blasphemy and dramatics! /

for there is nothing, / no fire that burns brighter, no storms that erode deeper, no earthquake that trembles with such power, / as a girl rejected by the divine /

flectere si nequeo superos, acheronta movebo


a/n: latin translation: "If I cannot move Heaven, I will raise Hell"

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