Chapter 5:The invitation

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                             *Ryu's dream*
"Help!Help me please!"Princess Sakura screamed in her tower
A huge dragon was attacking her tower,when:
"I'm here my princess!"Prince Ryu answered
"Prince Ryu!"Sakura replied relieved
"You!"The dragon said looking at Ryu
"Drakuma!Leave her alone!"Prince Ryu ordered
"Make me,insect!"Drakuma challenged
Prince Ryu and Drakuma fought each other.Prince Ryu stabbed his sword on Drakuma's chest,killing him.Princess Sakura then got down from her tower and hugged Prince Ryu:
"My hero!"She thanked
"It's my honor,milady"Ryu replied
Princess Sakura and Prince Ryu then looked at each other,their faces then began to approach one another,they closed their eyes and were ready to kiss when they heard:
"What was that ?"Princess Sakura asked
"I don't see nothing,milady"Prince Ryu answered
"My apologies,I must be hearing things"Princess Sakura replied
They closed their eyes again and began to approach one another again,when they heard the same noise again:
As soon as they heard the noise the last time,everything went black,and everything was gone but Prince Ryu,then a huge light covered him with that same noise:
"AAAAAHHHHHHH"Prince Ryu screamed
                          *End of Ryu's dream*
Ryu then woke up in a jump,his whole body was sweating,Sakura also woke up in a shock from hearing Ryu's scream and asked desperately:
"Ryu,are you alright ?!"
"Yes,I'm fine,it was just a nightmare,I have a lot of those."Ryu replied
Ryu and Sakura then heard someone knocking on their door,Ryu then got out of the bed and put one of his t-shirts on,he left their room furious and curious to see who was knocking on the door:
"Time for answers"He said,while approaching the door
Ryu then opened the door with a big scream:
"Oh,what would a man do for some chivalry ?"
"Karin ?!What are you doing here at this hour,it's 6:00 a.m"
"I'm just here to give you an invitation to my party tonight,I want both you and miss Sakura at my party,and the two of you are leaving with me,now!"Karin answered
"What ?Tonight ?!Wait ?!"Ryu asked
Ryu tried to talk to her but she was already in helicopter:
"I will await both of you!"Karin said
Ryu then closed the door and went to his room,when he entered he saw Sakura already changed,Sakura then said:
"Let me guess,it was Karin and she wants us to be at her party"
"How did you..?"Ryu asked
"The helicopter sound"Sakura answered
"Oh"Ryu replied
"Let's go before she waits to long and decides to leave us"Sakura replied
They soon left the Suzaku Castle and entered the helicopter.They soon were flying towards Karin's mansion,while flying,Sakura lied her head on Ryu's shoulder and Ryu lied his head on Sakura's head and both of them slept,Karin just looked at them and thought:
("I knew it from the very beginning,it was just meant to be")
And they continued to fly towards Karin's mansion

To be continued
Bye!Thanks for reading

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