Chapter 12:Ryu's tech issue

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On a good afternoon,Sakura was walking through Japan streets with her best friend Kei,while entering a shop with Kei,Sakura began to worry herself about Ryu:
"Kei,do you think is ok ?"
"Why wouldn't he be ?"Kei confirmed
"Well...I can't communicate with him,because.."Sakura explained
"HE DOESN'T HAVE A PHONE ?!!"Kei asked surprised
"I gave him once,but he is not interested in technology"Sakura explained
"Have you tried teaching him ?"Kei asked
"Once or twice"Sakura answered
"So get ready for the third time"Kei ordered
"Are you sure I should do that again ?"Sakura questioned
"Why not ?"Kei asked
"Well...the first time..."Sakura explained
Ryu and Sakura entered a library,and Sakura decided to teach Ryu how to use computers:
"Okay,first let's create you an account on...Facebook"Sakura pointed
"Ok"Ryu agreed
"All right,what can be a good email for you ?I know! do you think ?"Sakura questioned
"It's great"Ryu criticized
"Next up is password.Your password will be Dragon1987,all right ?"Sakura asked
"Interesting"Ryu admired
"Here we are,now you can check everyone's posts and videos.Just wait for me a little bit,I'll go in the bathroom,be right back!"Sakura said
After she got out the bathroom,she saw Ryu again,as soon as Ryu saw her,he asked:
"Sakura,what are these pictures ?"
"What do you mean ?"Sakura questioned
"Why am I here ?"Ryu questioned,Sakura quickly turned off his computer
"Never mind!Let's get out of here!"Sakura ordered
                             *end of flashback*
Sakura and Kei left the shop,Kei found Ryu's situation hilarious now:
"He really saw that ?"Kei asked
"Luckily no,imagine him seeing the pictures I post if him though"Sakura laughed
"And what happened the second time ?"Kei asked
"Right!It was like this..."Sakura explained
                               *Second flashback*
"Ok,here it is Ryu!I bought you a phone,now you can always talk with me"Sakura said cheerfully
"Hum....thanks."Ryu thanked
"Try it,just,and send me a message"Sakura explained
"Ok..."Ryu agreed
Ryu then tried to use the words in his phone but couldn't do it,so Sakura had to explain it to him.
"There!Now you understand how it works ?"Sakura asked
"I think so..thanks for explaining it to me,he'll be here in my handbags"Ryu pointed
"Great!Look I'm heading out now!See you soon"Sakura said
She then gave Ryu a short kiss and left.Later that day,Sakura was trying to talk to Ryu but he wasn't replying:
("What on earth is he doing ?")She thought
Once she got in Suzaku Castle,she saw Ryu with a little bit of scars on his arms:
"I just fought against that Marshal Law,you showed me,he was a little tough"Ryu explained
"Why weren't you responding my messages ?"Sakura asked
"Well..."Ryu tried to explain,but he couldn't
Ryu then showed the phone to Sakura:It was broken:
"It broke in battle"Ryu explained
" you have any idea how much that cost ?!"Sakura asked angrily
"..Sakura ?!"Ryu asked,a bit afraid of Sakura's expression
"THAT COST ME A FORTUNE!RYUUU!"Sakura chased after Ryu infuriated,Ryu simply ran away to safe his life
                               *End of Flashback*
"Really ?!"Kei asked in shock
"Yup,that's Ryu"Sakura laughed
"I think it's better not to do a third time"Kei worried
"Haha,Yeah it's better not,after all,Ryu is a man born for fighting not for technology"Sakura explained
("And I've always liked that about him!")She thought

To be continued
Thanks for reading,See you!😄

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