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OLA! So before anything else, I just want thank everyone who spent their time reading my work. THANK YOU! It is such an honor and it just gives me pure bliss that somebody did actually read it. I know that my work is not perfect, actually it's far from perfect, and I still have room for improvement so if you have any suggestions or comments feel free to do so. I tried to make this story as realistic as possible but there are still some flaws. The pictures that I used is obviously NOT MINE. I hope you enjoyed the story the same way I enjoyed writing it. I also hope that everyone got the message of my work.

As stated earlier, I dedicate this story to my mom who has been always at my side at every journey I take. I'm not a perfect daughter, I also think that I'm not that much good as a daughter but I'm hella grateful to have her as my mom. Thank you for everything. Thank you for being my Mom and my best friend. I love you but showing you how much I love you and cared for you is actually not my forte. I also wanted to make something new and special, that's why I made a story just for you this mother's day celebration. Live on! Mom, you are the best thing that God gave to me and I will always be grateful of that.

So everyone out there, greet your mothers, hug them tight, give them a kiss and say to them "I love you". ENJOY EVERY MOMENT WITH HER. So you don't have to end up like Zach in the story. Just show them how grateful you are to have them in your own way. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL THE MOTHERS IN THE WORLD!!

Ooohhh... and remember AMOR PROPIO everyone! !!

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