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➡24 December 2016⬅


I was shook awake by a pair of hands. 

"Louis." said Liam, as soon as my eyes opened.

"What are you doing here?" I said, my voice raspy and thick with sleep.

"We need to talk to you." he said, sitting on the couch, where I had fallen asleep a half hour ago. 

I sat up and pulled my sleeves more down, trying to make it casual. 

"What are you doing here?" I repeat with a snarl, except this time towards the one and only, Zayn Malik.

What the fuck was he doing here?

I was sitting on the couch with Liam, Niall was seated on a chair and Harry was standing next to Zayn, his hands shoved deep in his pockets.

"I'm sorry." he said softly, looking at his feet. 

"Yeah right." I muttered with a small laugh. I got up and walked to the kitchen. I opened my cupboard and got a glass, filled it with water, and walked back into the room. 

"So, what was so important that Mr Zayn Malik, had to be here?" I said, sitting down again, taking a sip of my water. 

They all exchanged a few looks, making me raise an eyebrow. 

"What?" I asked, as none of them said anything and stared at me instead. 

"We know." Niall states, as a matter of fact. 

"Know what?" I asked, placing my glass on my table.

"Your scars, Louis." Harry says, giving me his famous stare. 

"What scars?" I said, eyeing all of them. Surely they didn't know about..

"You self harm and we know it." Liam said, looking at me like Mark did whenever I got in trouble.


"What the fuck are you talking about?" I said almost yelling, startling Niall, unlike Zayn, Liam and Harry, who kept their calm. 


"Louis William Tomlinson, you listen right now. All the people in this room care a lot about you. And to see you do such things hurts us all a lot. Now either you stop lying to us or I'll come there and slap some sense into you." said Zayn, pointing a finger at me, shocking all of us.

"Fine..." I muttered, after a small pause. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at least a bit intimidated.

"Fine!" I exclaimed. 

"Is that what you want to hear? The fact that I self harm? Are you all happy now?!" I said out in anger. All their faces grew soft and concerned. 

"We're not happy." Niall muttered, tears filling his eyes. It broke my heart to see them like this. 

This is all my fault. I hurt them. They must be so disappointed.

"It's not like you lot care anyways." I muttered, knowing that they did care.

"We don't care? Really?! Louis, tell me. How would you feel coming over to your best mates house and expecting to see him on the couch, sobbing over the fact that he has a missing girlfriend, and instead finding him laughing in front of the mirror, with a fucking razor in his hand and a big as fuck cuts on his arm?!" Niall yelled at me, making me freeze. He grits his teeth and tears start rolling down his face.

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