Chapter eleven: Trying To Make An Impression

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I sat down feeling stunned at the table. "I can't believe I did that," I said faintly.

"So you did it? You asked him out?" Shelley asked eagerly.

"Yes," I said, still feeling faint.

"And what did he say?" Shelley questioned. 

"He said yes," I replied and I was starting to feel nauseated.

"Bravo!" Shelley grinned. "I'm so happy for you!"

I grinned like an idiot. "I did it," I said and hysterical giggles were threatening to set in. " I really did it!"

"Well, there's only one thing left to do now," Shelley said seriously.

"And what's that?" I asked.

"You need to plan the perfect outfit," Shelley said, continuing with her serious tone of voice. "This is all important, as important as of you were planning your wedding dress or school formal dress. This outfit has to convey everything about you. It has to convey your own personality, as well as what message you are trying to send your date. Do you want to have sex with him on the first date? Do you want to be demure? What look are you trying to cultivate? Are you trying to be pretty, or demure or sophisticated or sexy...."

"Whoa," I held up a hand. "Time out. I haven't even begun to think about those things yet."

"Well, you have to," Shelley said. "Look, the best thing to do is go shopping for a new outfit. You really like this guy, right. So you have to show him that you really like him, without appearing desperate. At the same time though, you need to show him that you like him, that you care enough about what he thinks that you're willing to go that extra mile for him." She appeared thoughtful for a moment and then seemed to brighten. "Tell you what," she said. "Have you arranged when the date will be yet?"

I thought back to the conversation I'd had with Robert, which appeared fuzzy in my brain, even though it had only happened about five minutes ago. "This Saturday night."

"Well then," Shelley said. "Let's meet during the day on Saturday and go shopping for the perfect outfit. You don't have anything planned, do you?"

"No I don't," I replied. "Okay, let's make a date!"

We exchanged mobile numbers and agreed to meet at the local shopping mall at noon.

"This is so much fun, we'll get to be just like best girlfriends," Shelley giggled and I smiled back at her. I was so excited, I could hardly think straight.

Right after I'd asked Robert out, I had blushed like crazy and hated myself for it. I hated blushing like a fool but what could I do? The question was already out there and I had to deal with the consequences. All I could do was pray that he wouldn't burst out laughing or come up with an excuse like, "I just broke up with my girlfriend and the pain is too raw," which would normally translate to something like, "I'd rather eat dirt than go out with you."

"Yeah sure," he had replied. Just like that. Yeah sure. The answer had totally caught me off guard. I had expected some hemming and hawing a first, not a straight up answer like that. I was unprepared and at a loss for words.

"Uh....that would be good," I said and the first sensation of feeling faint set in.

"How about this Saturday at eight?" Robert asked. I again felt startled but didn't seem able to give an adequate response.

"Sure," I heard myself say.

"How about I pick you up at your place?" he asked.

"Sure," I replied.

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