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Name: Inaaya Kerr {Morningstar} 

Age: 223

Nickname: Naaya or Aya

Race: Hellhound

Mates: Marcus Volturi, Carlisle Cullen, Jasper Hale, And Garrett

Gender: Female

Skin color: Tan

Eye color: Blue

Hair color: Brown

Height: 5'11 or 180.34cm

Weight: 165 lbs.

Loves: Reading, Being in Nature, Being in fire, Her Hellhound form, Marcus, Carlisle, Garrett, and Jasper (Later on), Her friends, her best friend, Other animals

Dislikes: Aro, Aro, Aro, Angels (Besides Anahita) , Sometimes Caius, Isabella, Edward, Shape Shifters, Hunters, Humans hunting animals, Vegan diet

Birthday: September 13, 1784

Birthplace: Hell

Skylar (Adopted Daughter)
Lucifer (Father)
God (Grandfather)
Michael (Uncle)
Raphael (Uncle)
Gabriel (Uncle)
Samael (Uncle)
Azrael (Uncle)
Balthazar (Uncle)
Castiel (Uncle)
Uriel (Uncle)
Anahita (Aunt because of God)


Shape shifting: The power to transform and reshape one's body

Fire Absorption: The ability to absorb fire and utilize it in some way.

Fire Attacks: The ability to release/use fire to various attacks.

Fire Breath: The ability to generate from within oneself fire and release them from the mouth

Fire Defense: The ability to use fire to defend oneself.

Fire Generation: The power to generate fire.

Fire Immunity: The power to be completely unharmed by fire/heat.

Fire Manipulation: The power to manipulate heat and fire.

Pyrokinetic Flight: The ability to fly using fire.

Actor/Actress: Megan Fox

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