Hogwarts Arc 1.1

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Disclaimer: All rights of Harry Potter, Hunter X Hunter, Fairy Tail, Attack on Titan, and Twilight Belong to J.K. Rowling, Hiro Mashima,Yoshihiro Togashi, Hajime Isayama, and Stephenie Meyer respectively. 

Percy's POV

         Percy Sighed, staring at the head boy badge that his brothers had managed to modify. He pulled out his 14 1/2 inch Elder Wood and Unicorn hair wand, and began to murmur counter charms to undo the damage they had caused to it. "Finite Encantatum" he says, as his badge reverses from Big-Head Boy to just Head Boy. He checks the time with a quick Tempus and seeing that it was just after lunch, he opened his door and headed to Gringotts. 

         He enters the bank and heads to an open teller. When the goblin looks up, he says in a calm voice " I would like to meet with my vault manager and collect money from vault 214". This Vault, unknown to his parents stores the money that he has made tutoring pureblood children and the occasional wealthy half-blood along and the money he has earned from summer jobs. In all, he had quite a bit of money in his vault. He probably had more saved up in his vault than there was in his parents vault, of course not as much as the Most Ancient and Most Noble pureblood families but he had more than most muggleborns at least. "Key?" questioned the goblin with his eyebrows raised. He pulled a small golden key out of his pocket and handed it to the teller. "Beagtonk!" the teller called, "Take this man, to Vault 214, and then take him to Vault Manger Griact." As Percy followed the goblin, he thought back to the day he learned of "The Plan" as he has unofficially dubbed in his head. 

Flash Back

       Percy walked in to the headquarters of the Order, exited to tell his parents about his new vault. He hoped that his parents would take some money from the vault, because it wouldn't count as charity if it was from their own son would it? He went straight to his parents door and raised his hand intending to know on the door, but he heard voices coming from inside and paused lowering his hand. He normally didn't eavesdrop, but  this conversation sounded important. "Are you sure Albus?" a female voice was asking. "I'm quite sure, Molly." the cheerful voice of Albus Dumbledore replied. " A few compulsion charms, loyalty potions and Obliviates and young Percy will have a high place in the ministry." Percy frowned at this, He didn't want to work in the ministry! He was planning on becoming a healer, Even if he wanted to work in the Ministy he would want to get into the office because of his own work!  "But, Albus what if Percy doesn't want to work in the Ministry? Won't all of our plans just collapse?" wondered Molly Weasley. "Now, Now, My dear Mrs. Weasley, I'm sure young Mr. Weasley wants to work in the Ministry and if not.... well a few strong compulsions and He will be begging to get into the Ministry." Percy stared at the door in horror, Why was this happening? What do they want? and most importantly What should he do? The solution immediately came to mind, He should grab his siblings and run,  maybe attend Salem next year. Yes! That's what he would do! Suddenly, another voice spoke from behind the door, a voice that Percy reconized very, very well. "Mum!" came the loud and demanding voice of Ron Weasley. "Mum! When is that prat Percy going to graduate Hogwarts? I want to be rich!"  "Yeah!" came the chorusing voices of Fred and George "We want him gone, and we want the money in the vault he'll get when he starts to work at the Ministry!"  "Mum, when Dumbledore and Harry Kill Percy, will you use the Money we get from his Vault to by me and Harry new Robes for our Initiation into the Order Of The Phoenix?" Percy's blue eyes hardened into a steel, cold imitation of what they used to be, and as he turned away from the door he had just one thought one his mind, "You will regret the day, you choose to follow your own greed you filly blood traitors!"

Exit Flash Back

       From that day forward, He changed. He was no longer the Innocent, gullible Weasley. He was colder, cruel and the perfect example of the pureblood he was. He dove into the dark arts reveling in the feeling of knowing that his family would be horrified if they found found out, and thus here we are as Percy arrives at his vault. 

       The goblin inserted his key into the small slot in the door, and turned the key, opening the vault for the teen. Percy stepped inside the vault, immediately heading to the small pedestal, where the ring he had boughten that summer lay. He slipped it onto his finger relishing in the feeling of the rings protective magics washing over him. The ring made his immune to compulsions, potions, curses and light hexes, making it the perfect device to make his parents and the headmaster believe that their plan had succeeded while he could figure out how to undermine them. Then he turned the pile of money and put a couple of handfuls of Gallons, Sickles, and  Knuts and put them in his bag before exiting his vault. 


Percy walked into Madam Malkin's and immediately the Kindly older woman is at his side. "Hogwarts?" She asked him. When he nodded at her question she leads him over to a stool and begins to takes measurements, asking him about what house to make them for, What fabric and so on. When  bustles away to give his robe requirements to a assistant he gazes around the shop. To his left is a couple of first years gazing around in amazement. Mud-bloods he thought and turned his eyes away. Looking to his right he saw a tall Slytherin male, Percy racked his thoughts for the Slytherins name before a single name seemed to float into his mind


                                                                      Marcus Flint

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