Hogwarts Arc 1.3

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Warning: There may be swearing

Percy's POV

       He glared out the window of his train compartment, staring at his father who was warning Harry about Sirius Black.

Why didn't his father every worry about him like that?  

       He tore his gaze away from the sight and picked out a book from his trunk, settling down for the trip. 

        In the year 1630, a dark wizard by the name of Aldrich Simons created a seven-step ritual that was then called Septem Ad inferos which today roughly translates to Seven Steps of Hell. The ritual itself is quite easy to perform and prepare for, but due to the fact that it takes enormous magical energy reserves and the use of one's blood this ritual has been classified as a class XXX according to Merlin's Scale of Magikal Powers. One should take great caution when performing this ritual and let it be stated that any injuries that occur when taking part in this ritual. Are not due to this Author.

        "Percy!" a loud voice yells, startling him. Subtly he hides his book cover and looks up at the person who interrupted his reading. 

       Recognizing the familiar bushy brown hair of his brother's best friend he sighed and looked up at her. "Yes, Hermione?"

        His brother's best friend glared down at him with a disapproving gaze.  "Percy Weasly!" she began in a loud, shrill voice. "You may be the head boy this year, but that gives you no right to laze around reading! You should be patroling the train and helping the first years!" 

         He gives her a tight smile, and pause a moment before replying to the bossy brunette. "Hermione, the job of tending to the first years belongs to the prefects,"  before he can finish his sentence the girl interrupts him, "So? You're the head boy! That means you need to be doing it as well. If you don't Dumbledore will remove you from your position." 

        "HERMIONE! I was speaking! It is considered quite rude to interrupt a person, as I was saying because I am the head boy my job is to assist the teachers and headmaster. The prefects are to assist the students so that I don't have more work that I can do." he states, pulling up a calm front while in actuality all he wants to do is strangle to brunette at the moment.

         A small fire seems to alight in her eyes as she being another lecture. "No, you need to assist the students and-" just then her sentence is cut off by a pair of hands picking her up from behind a forcibly throwing her out of the compartment. 

"Get out." A rough voice states before slamming the door on her.  

Still hearing the ranting voice outside, he looks up gratefully at his savior.

       His eyes widen as he takes in the strong, slouching shape of his fellow 7th year, the Slytherin Prefect Marcus Flint.

"T- Thanks, she was getting really annoying."

"En." Was the only response he got out of the quidditch captain.

He slammed the door shut behind him, and he sat down on the other bench.

Percy stared at him. 

Marcus looked out the window.

Percy blinked once before returning to his book.   

         Step one of preparation is to gather  a single vial of freely given unicorn blood as well as forcibly as a vial of forcibly taken Dementors blood. It is Important that these be both freely given and forcibly taken so that the blood is pure and tainted and not damaged further by their innate magic. One must add a single drop of  each vial and mix them together on the darkest night of the month. In order to counteract these substances the rest of the vials should be mixed on the full moon. When the vial the drop of blood is completely mixed one must take a single ravens feather and have it soak in the blood. You must-

"Percy!" A female voice yelled. He groans and looked up. "Look, Hermione I told you that-"

        "Hermione!" the voice screeched. "Is that little know-it-all bitch the reason you dumped me!" Penelope Clearwater demanded.


"If she is, I swear to got that I will-"


"And then I will rip out her-"

"Penelope Clearwater!"


"Penelope, what are you doing here? We broke up." He questioned her. 

          "Well, I was like, looking at all the picture from last year and decided that I was a looser for dumping you, and that we should totally get together."

"I dumped you thought..." Percy mumbled

"Never mind that, we are totally getting back together, so you need to suck it up and-"

"We are not getting back together." He stated. 


        She was cut off as once again, as Marcus Flint came to his rescue a second time. The large male glared at her from across the apartment as he stood up. Giving her a glare that was worthy of a dragon he pushed her to to door. 

        "Now get out, and stay the fuck out." Marcus grumbled towards her before slamming, and locking the compartment. 


        Percy felt hopeless. He was terrified as the skeletal hand closed over the door. The glass frosted over and the compartment door slowly slid open. He could see Flint's petrified expression out of the corner of his eye. The hooded figure slowly glided into the apartment and began to focus on him, the closer of the two occupants. 

          He felt his mind rushing to remember the name of this creature. Suddenly, like it was always there the answer came to mind. Dementors-Creature that suck out your soul. The guardians to Azkaban. The only know defensive spell against this creature is  Expecto Patronum! The Icy blue glow of the spell filled the room as a silvery snake formed and charged at the creature.  The last sight that Percy saw was the creature fleeing the compartment as his vision began to dot itself with back spots before going dark. 

"Weasley? Weasley!" He could here a voice shouting his name and he began to feel his surroundings. He sat up blinking away the spots. A hand full of something was shoved in his face. Percy looked to see the face of Marcus Flint hovering over him. "Chocolate." He responded to Percy's questioning look. 

The apartment door slide open for the forth time that evening. 

It seems the Dementor broke the locking charm

"Is everyone alright in here?" A scruffy looking man questioned. As he looked around.  When he saw Percy sitting on the floor, he rushed over. "No-one is hurt are they?" As the man bent over to help him up, Marcus batted his hands away. 

"Fine, the dumbass just over exhausted himself on a Patronus." The 7th year grunted. Marcus glared at the man until he left.

Remus POV

As Remus Lupin got kicked out of the seventh years apartment he had only one thought on his mind. I never realized that a Slytherin and a Gryffindor could get along so well. He thought back to the rusty red color of the Gryffindor's hair. I never thought I would see a Weasley getting along with a Slytherin either. For some odd reason, as he left to return to his best friend's child all he could think about was that unlike the rest of the clan, this Weasleys hair reminded him of blood.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2019 ⏰

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