Chapter 3

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Althea POV

It's 1854, I arrived safely in America. It's difficult being a woman in America, and in England and everywhere else. These people and all their etiquette rules. I can't even go to a university because I am a woman and we are supposed to be illiterate and our only job is to be a wife and mother.

This is why I prefer to travel and especially to the Supernatural communities. If only you had seen those women shapeshifters in South America.

I told my father about some of the communities I have seen and he couldn't believe that I actually found some. He is as old as me but he has not even met a werewolf before.

I stayed with my father for another few decades. We had a lot of fun together. I even hunted animals with him from time to time to his amusement and my own horror. I went back to London twice in that time to visit Johnathan and Belinda, my dad came with the last time and finally met them for the first time. They got along well.

My father and I travelled to Denali in Alaska in 1860 because of the small communities in the area as well as the amazing weather that allows my father to walk out during the day time. This is when he and I met Tanya, Kate and Irena, and discovered their diet was the same as ours.

They were shocked when they found out I was a hybrid vampire, but curious at the same time. I got along with all of them. I loved Irena the most though, even if she and the rest of them tried to seduce my father into their beds. I shiver just thinking about it.

When the twentieth century came, we moved to Chicago. I went to University but faced a lot of scrutiny from the people there, men and women alike.

My father is lonely. I realize this. He needs someone he can love in a romantic setting, like what Belinda and Johnathan have. I could see the longing in his eyes when he gazed upon them. Even I get that way sometimes. I wish I could just fall in love but its not meant to be at this time.

In 1915 I told my father that I was leaving again to travel. I wanted to visit those supernatural communities again that I met over the centuries. He was sad once again that I left and I completely understood, travelling is great, meeting people is wonderful, but doing it alone is lonely.

About two years prior to when I left, we spoke about maybe changing someone, that it could be a possibility for him to have a companion, whether romantic or platonic so that he did not have to be alone anymore, especially during the times that I travel. My father was reluctant about this, he hates putting anyone in pain, adding the fear of killing someone if his control slips.

"Father, I want you to be happy. You deserve someone who can make you happy. I wouldn't mind gaining a mother" I tell him jokingly. I still kept my English accent even though my father has changed his to match those around him, except when he speaks to me. I find it hilarious that in one moment he can speak to one of the nurses in an American accent and then change to our old English accent as soon as he speaks with me. The nurses he works with finds is strange and I love to laugh at their expressions.

"I wouldn't mind gaining another family member," my father admits, "it becomes lonely if you aren't here".

"I'm sorry father. I can stay if you want. You can also travel with me. I enjoyed our last trip very much."

"I would love to, but with the rising influenza starting, I can't leave now, there is a shortage of doctors," he tells me, furrowing his brows.

My father the hero. They aren't even his responsibility but he still wants to help. He owes them nothing. Argh, sometimes I wish he wasn't so giving. I wish he could travel with me.

So I left, I went back to South America, visited Zafrina and her sister. I met up with these two hybrid girls I met a few years ago, and met the brother and his full vampire aunt.

It was another year of exploring in South America. I even went swimming and swam with a shark or three. Wrestling sharks are fun, they might be fast in the water but I am faster and stronger.

I left to go to Sweden, and Russia, I tracked all the way up to India. I sent my letters to my father. And have received none back. It's not like he knows exactly where to write to. I sometimes give him my address but because I am constantly on the move it's difficult to write. I think I should go home soon. It's been five years.

I spent some time with the Tiger shifters until they got on my nerves and I left them. I went to the wendigo community  in Thailand. They are unfortunately still there. I don't like them much. They freak me out. They look completely normal until your last moments on Earth. I was attacked by one that first time I came here and I ripped out its tongue. It sounds harsh but seriously, he grew extra pointy teeth and its tongue curled around my neck ready to eat me. And then I broke his neck and he died. The community did not appreciate me snapping his neck but they understood, it was survival of the fittest and he messed up.

Even though they freak me out, I am a scholar and want to learn all I can.

Learning Thai is difficult, even after all these years, I still can't grasp it well enough.

I went to visit Amun and Benjamin. Benjamin found his mate. I am so happy for him. He is really sweet. Amun looked pleasantly surprised when I showed up this time, meaning he didn't look like I was a sour worm bothering him.

I had a chance to visit Lebanon, I took it and then travelled down to Sudan and Ethiopia. The people are so nice and welcoming. Although the human food they gave me upset my stomach just a little bit, turns out, the village poisoned me for their local witch-doctor to do his ancestral magic to bless the land. I thought it was sweet that the village would stand together as a community but the poisoning was a no-no. Everyone sat there stunned after I ate my food and drank my herbal tea still talking to everyone with no worries in the world until everyone looked at me strangely and became scared of me.

Apparently no one has survived their food poisoning before. The witch doctor came out after the villagers told them that they have poisoned me and it was not working, I heard them speaking in a worried and scared tone of voice but could not understand a word of what they were saying but I knew it had something to do with me.

The Witch-doctor came at me with a curved blade from behind, I heard him chanting and I saw the looks on those people's faces as he slid the blade across my throat but nothing happened, I have vampire skin and it would take someone really strong to be able to slit my throat.

I turn around slowly, I glare at him. He looks at me, pale. Faster than what he could see, I grab his weapon and bend it in an unnatural angle in front of every one to see and snap it. I then jab a small piece of the metal that splintered off and shove it in the witch-doctor's shoulder.

"Fight against me, and you will lose" I tell him before disappearing as fast as I could, heading back to Egypt and grabbing a plane to North America. I never saw them again.

No one POV

Althea was nearly part of an ancient sacrificial rite for the land to be blessed. And because they could not find anyone chosen by the Ancestors in time, the witch-doctor was used in her place, forced by the people, and the land was made inhabitable by the ancestors for such disrespect. The villagers had to scatter and find other villages to inhabit. No one was happy with how things turned out that day, not the people and definitely not Althea.

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