Chapter 7

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My father hates it when I have to play his sister, so just this once, just this once, I dressed down to what I normally wear and put on some everyday teenage melodramatic clothes. It's strange that what you wear can make a huge impact on how people perceive you.

My father is supposed to be twenty eight here, I will pass as his biological daughter, and there is no mistaking me for a cousin he adopted. So I do look like a fifteen year old girl now, where previously I could pass as a twenty three year old woman. This is unpleasant and I still refuse to go to school.

"Why not? You've went before" my father says.

"Because I will not subject myself to this type of torture again. I do not need to blend in like you. I made the change this time to look younger, to actually pass as your biological daughter this time instead of sister. You can tell them that I am a kid genius, and have finished high school early. I am now taking a gap year, exploring what I want to do in my future.

My father sighs. Plus it shows the rest of the town that I am smarter than the rest of my siblings, I think to Edward with a smirk and he scoffs.

He repeated what I thought to our father and what does he do. He sighs again and walks away shaking his head.

I just laugh, real hard, on the inside, because I would get tackled by my siblings if I laughed out loud.

So it was official, over the last couple of days the news spread quicker than fire of my arrival. Carlisle Cullen's biological teenage daughter moved in with her father and his new family after the death of her mother. Carlisle who had unprotected sex as a fourteen year old boy, Carlisle's scandal. 'Well he did actually have me at fifteen, but potatow, pootato'.

Everyone was apparently impressed by my intelligence due to me not being in school. My father did a dick move and told everyone that I will be assisting the nurses for a temporary job until I could officially start my studies. I was not impressed when I found that out. And he found it highly amusing.

Although, I only worked for a month, an emergency came up and I had to fly to Germany and go to the Black forest. The old/young witch was in need of help. She needed an extra pair of hands for a ritual she wanted to complete and some of my blood, which is painful to procure. She was the one who blocked some of my memories and thoughts about the Supernatural communities by magical means.

She in turn asked for my blood and she used that as one of her sources to make her look younger. I agreed even if it made me uncomfortable. The ritual she wanted to do was a protection ritual for the village she stayed in. She wanted to channel me because of the whole immortality thing being a power source. The protection was to block out the terrors of werewolves. They have been ravaging the small towns all around the area and the witch wanted to prevent that.

I missed my siblings' graduation, but then they found out that Victoria created new born vampires in Seattle. Bella figured out it was that woman with James's coven.

After my siblings' graduation, they arranged with the new wolves that we would team up and kill off all the new born vampires. I was still in Germany when they arranged this.

I would land an hour before they had to meet with the wolves to train.

I knew I would be a few minutes late, so I stopped at a fast food restaurant, I know it's bad but I am not hunting right now. I am going to eat one of their disgustingly oily burgers and chips with a milkshake to go. Like anything made in restaurants, I struggle to digest it and my tastes are heightened, so I have mostly stuck to fruits and vegetables over the centuries. I am going to have stomach cramps later, I know it.

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