Prologue: Alice Grey

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"Hello my name is Alice Grey and I'm a  Conduit. My life along with 80% of Earth's population would be changed forever on May 17th, 2016. This is the story of how most of Earth's population became Conduits. Also stick around and you'll also get a detailed explanation on what happened after the explosion. "

Alice Grey was just your average woman she had black curly hair, forest green eyes, and fair skin. She had been walking home from her physics class when she had reached the block where she had lived while she had let out an exhausted sigh. "Physics is a great class but it takes a lot out of you especially when you over do it" she said as she continued to walk home.

As she was walking home she had started to do calculations in her head. She lived in a large but quiet house with her parents which was two to five miles away from the lab. Alice's parents were scientists and a Lab had been built a few miles away from where she lived. But they rarely home due to the work they did.

Alice was in her room and started to slowly fell asleep as she did her homework. As the night went on Alice pulled out her chemistry homework. Alice waited for her parents to come home from the lab while she did some equations.  Meanwhile,  The scientists of Meteor Labs that worked with Mr Grey were working on a chemical compound. This compound mixed with the energy sphere could help humanity.  "Hey!! Be careful with that chemical we're trying to make history. We  can't afford to have any missteps especially if this works!!" Dr. Chase   shouted at one of the scientists. The  chemical that the scientists were working on could've helped cure all diseases.  The Phoenix Serum needed a few more components before it could be stabilized.  They had been working effortlessly trying to get the cure to stabilize. Dr John Chase had been working for Mr. Grey for a few years. After a few years hard work meteor labs had finally found a component that could stabilize The Phoenix Serum.  This cure could cure blindness, deafness, cancer, or any other ailments that could plague the human race. The scientist s were trying to make history with their invention.

The scientists at Meteor Labs created a device known as Particle Sphere. This device was created by the scientific minds at the lab. They had hoped that it'll help mankind and cure its ailments.  The Phoenix Serum was a new chemical and they'd insert it into the Particle Sphere.  "Alright, Sanders input the code and Harrison get ready to insert the Phoenix Serum into Particle Sphere." said Benjamin Grey the lead scientist in a commanding voice. Both scientists nodded as they went to their stations to do what Ben Grey said but something went wrong.

" Huh no this is an anomaly!! We did everything perfectly!!" Ben yelled as he jumped over the rail to shut down the project. The alarm after a few minutes started to sound off. The alarm sounding off had alerted the other scientists in the room including Ben's wife Lauren. Ben looked at the particle sphere and knew something was wrong. The particle sphere has started to Glow with a brightness and distortions with different colors. "Everyone run, get out of here now!!" Ben Grey shouted in a distorted voice. "But sir we can still make it work" Harrison stated. "No it's too dangerous we have to get out NOW!!!" Ben Grey roared. But it was already too late the particle sphere was getting closer to its detonation.  " I have an idea but it'll  mean I'll need two things. One, I'll need to get one of the engineers to help me. Second, I'll have to find my wife. But the main plan is to push the energy from the blast upward and not out." Ben said as he rushed towards the door.

Alice groggly got out of bed and wondered where her parents were. She looked out the window and noticed a weird distortion. " Is that coming from the lab?" she thought to herself.  Alice decided to get dressed and headed towards the front door.  She didn't know what the project that her parents had been working on started to detonate. Alice started heading towards meteor labs to find out what was happening. Suddenly she felt the ground shake slightly. "Huh what's going on and why is the ground shaking?" Alice asked herself.

As Alice got closer to meteor Labs the ground was shaking more as if an earthquake was happening. Alice started to run towards the lab when she was two blocks away. *What's happening at the lab and did something go wrong with the project?* Alice had thought to herself as she was now only one block away from meteor labs. *I'm almost at the lab I hope mom and dad are doing ok* she thought to herself.

Another rumble from the ground happened and Alice knew something had happened. Alice finally made it to the lab and saw that it was emitting a strange bright light. " What the hell is that light and why is it surrounding the lab?" Alice asked as she made her way to the side door of the lab. But before she can make it what she didn't know was that her parents were still inside. Alice's father had made the energy from The Particle Sphere shoot up. That's when time slowed down around her and the particle sphere had detonated.

The blast from the Particle Sphere unleashed unknown energy which expelled into  Earth's atmosphere and affected 80% of Earth's population. Alice's parents were on the way up from the labs basement when the detonation caused by the Particle Sphere. Because of the Particle Sphere was underground it caused massive damage to the surrounding area.  The area around the lab had been reduced to a crater. While at least seven to nine blocks had also been reduced to rubble from the enormous explosion.

However, unbeknownst to Alice she was affected by the energy unleashed by the particle sphere. Which gave her the ability to manipulate time. She also didn't know that the particles fear had a serum injected into it Alice didn't know that she would eventually get powers and that 80% of the world's population was affected that night as well.

"I see you've read my story and learned how I became the hero known as Clockwork. Because on the night of May 17th, 2016. My parents fates we're unknown and the world was forever changed." Alice reported as she explained what happened.

" A few years had passed since the night of the particle sphere explosion. Those few  years superpowered humans started showing up in different parts of the world. They were defying physics and what was within reason. No one but me knew how these people came into existence. These superhumans across the globe were displaying different and unique abilities." Alice continued with her report.

" This had given me an idea to create an organization. This organization I planned to create with the idea of helping those who were unfamiliar with their abilities like I was. This organization also would provide those who join protection and a place to train with their abilities to protect those who didn't have powers. "

" This is the story of how I got my powers and how I met my adopted brother. I would meet a young man by the name of James Grace and his friends. Soon I realized that he and his friends were all Conduits like me. Six of those seven had a unique ability to manipulate an element. Another organization was formed to do the opposite of what my organization did. While a mine was to preserve and protect this organization was there to cause chaos and destruction. This sparked another idea within me. I would recruit those who had first developed their powers and help them protect humans and themselves.

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