Chapter Three: Other-Realm

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3. Other-Realm

As Baxter stood up his father looked at him affectionately, and he spoke once again.

“Both you and Penny are very special people, and I don’t mean that merely in the sense that you are my children,” he said. “Baxter, all those years ago when I was lying in your mother’s arms she told me about you and Penny, although you had not even been born, I was so proud. Before I left this realm I placed my hand on her abdomen. I touched you both,” a smile came over his face as he acted out the scene with his hand. “From that moment both you and your sister have had a special gift; you can travel between realms and, unlike me here, you can physically do things when in them.”

Baxter thought for a moment.

“How come you can’t go?” he enquired.

“I do not exist or belong in that particular realm, and am not permitted entry.”

“That particular many are there?”

“There are many realms Baxter, but they are not permitted to interfere with one another, it’s forbidden. This is why we have people like you,” William finished.

“You mean there are more people who can travel between realms?” Baxter was quite shocked at learning there were others who had the same ability.

“There are a few Bax, but they have not been called upon...yet.”

“Wow!” said Baxter slowly, fully aware that it sounded pathetically comic-book in style.

William thought this was quite comical too, and smiled briefly.

“I will request help from others and, if they are willing, send them through to you,” William added.

Through to me? Through where?” Baxter was a little concerned by the use of this ‘through’ word. His father smiled again and walked over to the corner of the library where only moments ago the vortex had stood whirling away.

He closed his eyes and murmured something indecipherable. The room seemed to get even darker, if that was at all possible, and Baxter was now having problems seeing his father at all; he could just about make out the white shirt he was wearing.

Then a small point of light appeared, about three feet in front of his father’s now outstretched arm and started to grow in size and shape. A noise like rushing wind began to get louder and Baxter was now worried. In a few brief moments a familiar sight could clearly be seen; another vortex.

William turned to Baxter and gestured for him to come closer. As he did so Baxter could not believe what was happening with the vortex; something was coming through it. He stopped in his tracks, blinking in disbelief at what had just stepped out from, and was now stood in front of, the vortex, bathed in its purple, iridescent light; a small girl dressed in a long white dress, like something you would expect a child from long ago to have worn.

“This is Beth,” his father said, introducing the young girl who smiled weakly. “She is what is known as a gatekeeper. Beth is the gatekeeper for this realm,” he finished.

“Gatekeeper?” Baxter asked, looking at Beth and screwing his face up somewhat.

“Yes, a guardian if you like. Not only is Beth my contact between realms, she also stops things getting in and things getting out of this realm.”

Baxter laughed, stopped, and then laughed some more. “She’s only a girl...and a small one at that!” he scoffed.

William was angry. “That’s enough Baxter,” he snapped. “Beth is a very powerful little girl, don’t you forget that.”

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