~Chapter 1~

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Potions class was, in Draco Malfoy's opinion, the best class. Draco flicked his quill yet again to Harry Potter's direction. It hit him on the head. Potter grabbed it, looking for the source. When his eyes met Draco's, Draco sniggered

"Accio Quill!"  Draco whispered, low enough for no one but Potter to hear him. The quill shot out off Potter's hand, leaving a gash in his hand, and Draco caught it. He repeated this many times, earning nasty looks from the other boy each strike. After a while, he got bored, and his eyes drifted off. But suddenly, he saw it.

Draco's heart was racing. Wow. It looks even more beautiful than before. He thought to himself.

"Draco?" The sound of Professor Snape's soft, ice-cold voice made Draco jump.

"Uh- yes, sir?" Draco asked, attempting to keep his voice even. Snape raised an eyebrow at him strode towards him.

"The love of your life distracting you from your potions again?" Snape sneered, low enough for only Draco to hear. "Get to work."

"Yes, professor."  Today they were brewing Amortentia. As he stirred, he realize that the room smelled so strangely like the apple he was so in love with.

 "Why does the whole room smell like apples?" He thought out loud. The whole class turned to look at him. Snape slowly turned his head around, his expression flat. But Draco could almost see the look of amusement on his face.

"Can anyone remind dear Draco what we're brewing today?" Said the professor, his voice dangerously calm. And of course, Hermione's hand shot up. Snape looked around to see if anyone else had their hands up, and gave up hope. "Granger?" He said coolly.

"We're brewing Amortentia! It's a potion that gives off the scent of whatever you're attracted to. And in Draco's case..." Her voice trailed off. Ron finished for her.

"He's in love with an apple."

The whole class erupted with laughter. Even a few Slytherins laughed, but the dungeons quieted almost immediately when they saw the look on Snape's face. "I think a detention tonight at 8:30 would do fine, don't you think, Weasley?" He asked, glaring at Ron coldly. Ron squirmed in his seat but said nothing.

Meanwhile, Draco was lost in thought. If I smell apples, then that means its true! I'm really in love with the it! 

His eyes travelled to the apple on Snape's desk again, and after a long minute, class was dismissed. Snape called for Draco to stay behind.  He examined him with his dark, cold eyes.

"So," Snape said. "Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm assuming you're realizing how much of a fool you are for being in love with a fruit."

Anger swelled up Draco's chest. "And what place are you in to tell me what I am thinking? So what if I'm in love with the stupid thing?" His eyes drifted to the apple. Snape stared at him.

"I suppose you want to take it," Snape suggested.

"Yeah, I do," said Draco.

"Fine. But it comes for a price," Snape sneered. "Tonight you will come with the Weasley boy for detention. You are not being punished. As Weasley cleans my potion jars, you will redo your potion. This one looks disgusting." He jerked his head towards the potion that sat on Draco's desk.

"You're making me do detention with Weasley!? Surely you of all people understand how I feel right now?" He exclaimed. Snape merely gave him another icy glare.

"You don't have to. But no beloved apple for you."

Draco shifted. It was his only choice.


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