~Chapter 3~

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Draco hurried towards the kitchen, where he was greeted by 20 house-elves.

"What's your business down here?" Said a familiar voice in the corner. There stood Ron Weasley, holding a piece of chicken that was beginning to mold.

"Most likely the same business as you," said Draco. Ron snorted.

"I guess so. Apple beginning to mold?" He teased.

"It's better then that rubbish of yours," he retorted. He turned to the nearest house-elf.

"Hey, you! I've got an apple here that I need to put in the fridge to save for later. If anyone asks for it, ask them for the password. The password is password," he whispered. He glanced at the other boy, who was doing the same with another elf.

"Right away, sir." The house-elf hurried away, stowing the apple inside the nearest fridge. Draco was about to leave when a hand caught his arm. He turned around to see the red-head. Ron let go, and scratched the back of his head.

"Look Malfoy, uh, you wanna just be friends? I'm tired of this and I think we should just make up. After all, we do have something in common." Ron grinned at the last sentence. Draco thought for a moment, then came to a decision.

"Call me Draco." He gave Ron a smirk and left the kitchen.

During lunch, he caught Ron staring at him multiple times, which made him nervous. He shrunk in between Crabbe and Goyle, who were wolfing their food down.

On his way to Divination, Ron called his name and caught up to him.

"Your eye is swollen. Look." He handed Draco a mirror and Draco looked into it. His right eye was green. He nearly dropped the mirror.

"Woah! Where did that come from? Why didn't anyone in the Slytherin table tell me?"

"Because they can't see it," said Ron. Draco gave him a quizzical look.

"It happened to me the day after I claimed my chicken, too. It happens to everyone the day after they claim a food they're in love with. It takes on the color of the thing. So in your case, it's green. It'll sting for a while, but it's not visible to anyone but you and me. Don't touch it," he warned.

"Oh alright," he grunted. "Thanks for letting me know."

"I remember when I got mine, it was a brown-ish red, so I thought I punched myself in my sleep. I told Harry and Hermione about it, but they just looked at me like I was mad. I eventually gave up, convinced that I was in fact going mad, but soon found out why when I did some research."

"Jeez. Well, I really have to go now. I really can't miss out a chance to look into the future with Trelawney. I can't wait to see who's gonna die next," he giggled.

Ron smiled, waved, and made his way to Defense Against the Dark Arts.

A/N: hope you guys enjoyed! lol this is gonna turn into dron soon

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2019 ⏰

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