Well shit.

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I'm currently going through the comments on the video I posted a few hours ago. I can't help but stare at the hateful ones. I really shouldn't care but I can't help it. I keep scrolling down but stop when unicorny101 catches my eye.
unicorny101: Hey Everest! I'm a big fan of yours and so is my sister. We live close to you and was wondering if we could get a coffee sometime. My sister just got diagnosed with Brest cancer and it's her dream too meet you. Her birthday is coming up and I want her to meet you. If you could follow me on Twitter @un1cornmagic87 and dm me that would be great! Thanks a lot :)

I decide to follow her on Twitter and message her.
I'd love to get coffee with you and your sister! How about Friday afternoon?
It's Wednesday night and it's very late. 11:26 pm and poppy still isn't back. She's been partying a lot lately. Getting wasted and not coming home till the next morning mumbling about all the drama that went on that night.
I would call her but I know she won't answer sense she dropped her phone in the toilet. Again. We don't have a lot of money so we can't just keep buying stuff she breaks. I admit I broke the coffee Machine but it wasn't even my fault! Poppy forgot to buy filters so I used paper. Let me tell you the coffee tastes like it came out of a tree...
(A.N- something I would totally do! 😂)
My eyes are getting heavy from staring at my phone for to long as usual so I set it down and get ready for bed. I jump out of bed a bit to fast and get light headed. I walk over to the bathroom but fail when I trip over my tripod stand that magically transported right in front of me. Damn thing. Did I mention we make videos?
After using the bathroom, putting pjs on and sliding back in bed after I flick the light off I realize I'm now wide awake staring into the darkness. This seems to always happen. I'm exhausted so I get ready for bed then become wide awake. It really pisses me off. I reach over to my nightstand and knock a glass of apple juice over while attempting to turn the lamp on. Well shit. I lean over to see a puddle of apple juice just chilling on the floor. Whatever I'll deal with it tomorrow. If I don't step in it first.
I roll back over so I'm facing my bare wall. My room and the rest of the house is always a mess. We could make a better effort of cleaning up a bit but we're pretty busy people. And lazy. Between making videos, eating and sleeping there's no time to clean anyways! I've been bugging poppy to get a dog because it would be like having an automatic vaccum 24/7. but she tells me the dog would be dead before it even comes home.
I jump up to a thump and a screeching noise. I guess I dossed of. I stumble out of bed to see my drunk idiot friend lying on the floor in the juice puddle I made. i turn on the big light to see a puppy licking up the juice.
"Poppy, why is there a husky in my room at 12 in the morning?" I ask
"Everest! I found you a vaccum cleaner! 20 dollars a pup! But I stole'em so it's all good!"
"You stole him? From were?"
"Do me a favour ok? lock the door"
I don't know what she's talking about but it wouldn't be the first time if some man came barging in so I run to the door and lock it.
When I go back in my room i see poppy staring at the juice on the floor.
"Did you pee on the floor? I told you to stop doing that!" Poppy bursts out into laughter. i walk over too her and help her off the floor then lead her to her own room that's just across the small hallway.
I pick up a pair of pyjama pants from off her floor and throw it at her.
"Get changed then go right to bed ok? Your gonna get a major hangover tomorrow and I'm not going to baby you. Good night." I tell her and walk out closing her door behind me. I go back to my room and see the puppy that poppy brung home sleeping on my bed. She is cute; and I've always wanted a dog. I walk over to the bed and pat her. She looks up and licks my hand. Good! She's friendly. And wet....
I just then realize there's still a juice puddle on the floor.
"Everest!" I hear poppy say from behind me. "I'm scared."
This is a common thing. At least when poppys drunk. She's scared to sleep alone because of her past. I do feel bad for her but it does get a bit annoying. I sigh before telling her to hop in my bed while i clean up my room sense we apparently have a puppy now.
"Hhhhhh" I breath out. The rooms all tidied and I'm finally ready for bed at 2:53am. I'm also exhausted. I turn the light off and slide in bed. Poppy took the side I usually sleep on and the puppy is in my feet space. Somehow I do manage to fall asleep into a dream full of more nightmares.

I wake up to a scream. I jump up to see poppy fell of the bed and the puppy barking. Oh. It was my scream.
"Sorry." I say while patting the dog to calm her down. This is as normal for me as getting drunk scared for poppy. I guess we both annoy each other with our problems.
"My fucking head feels like an elephant sat on it!" Poppy moaned. "I need to quit drinking." She complained.
"Hahahahahahahahaha! Your funny." I say sarcastically "I'll be in the kitchen making food." I say while walking out to the kitchen. I get the frying pan out and turn on the stove. I crack a few eggs and get out some donut seeds for poppy. (Aka Cheerios) they're her favourite cereal. Soon I have a bowl full of dry donut seeds, bacon and juice for poppy and eggs, toast and milk for me. Just on time poppy walks out, takes an obnoxiously loud breath and sits down shoving food in her so called mouth. I don't understand how she can keep eating and eating but still be so skinny!
"What took you so long?" I ask.
"I was playing with the puppy. Oh and she pooped on your bed hahaha!" She bursted out in laughter only to choke on her bacon.
"Control yourself kid, holy!" I say getting some paper towel and going to pick up the puppys...droppings... I walk back in to see poppy staring again. She does this a lot when something's on her mind. This could be a good thing or bad.
"Whatcha thinking about?" I'm surprised i had the courage to ask. God knows what's going to come out of her mouth! Ok I spoke to soon because she just threw up her breakfast all over the floor. She looks up at me, smiles and says
"I set up a double date and your coming with me!"

Hello! I hope you like the first chapter :) I put a picture of Everest up as Bethany mota. I'd love to have some feedback on what you thought so feel free to comment 😁 I'm not going to say I'll be uploading in the next few days because that may be a lie. But I'm really liking this story and I have ideas for the future so I'll be motivated to keep writing! Btw donut seeds are an inside joke between me and my friend. I might throw in some more js aha. Well anyways don't forget to vote, follow and keep reading! 😉😊 bye

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