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"Where are we going?" I asked, setting the shirt that was in my hands on the bed, leaving it for Marcella to finish folding.

"My father wants to speak to you, he's in my bedroom," Matteo explained as he held the door of my bedroom opened. I walked out and he followed after me. Staying a few steps behind, Matteo didn't catch up with me until we reached his room.

In order for him to reach the door before me, Matteo quickened his pace last minute. Yet again, he opened the door for me walked into his room first.

Mr. Casciani was already in his room, waiting for both of us. He was laying in Matteo's bed, dead center, watching the television.

"You guys came earlier than expected, five minutes into this show," Mr. Casciani said as he pointed to the tv. On the screen was one of the episodes of The Office. "I thought Ila was going to put up a fight and make Matteo carry you here."

I awkwardly chuckled as if that hadn't crossed my mind.

"Matteo is telling me that you want to leave the mafia," Matteo's father said. He fumbled with the remote before managing to turn off the television. Mr. Casicani, however, remained laying on his back. He had his hands underneath his head, causing his elbow to point upward at opposite sides, and his ankles crossed.

"Yeah, I do," I said. I was met with sudden nervousness. I've seen the movies. Talking with the leader of the mafia about leaving never ended with a good scene. The mafia sees leaving as an act of betrayal. Betrayal in the mafia never sits still with the members.

"You see, my son wants you to stay and I wanted to tell you that he is stupid."

I felt Matteo beside me tense up at his father's insult, however, he remained silent.

"Really?" I asked, confused about where this conversation was going.

"As I told you when we first met, you remind me of my wife," said Mr. Casciani. I noticed that Matteo sighed and shifted slightly at the mention of his mother. "She wanted to leave for her safety. I wanted her to be safe, so I let her. You want to leave for the same reason and I'm letting you because I like you. Of course, it would have been more romantic for my son said that since it is him who likes you dearly. If you asked him now, he wouldn't let you leave but my word is better than his. I am the boss and he doesn't get this position until I die and that's not happening soon."

"So, I can leave? It's not going to be like the movies? Where I have to stay because of some code?" I asked.

"In this situation, it doesn't have to be like the movies," Mr. Casciani assured.

"Thank you," Ila said to my father.

My dad nodded, acknowledging her gratitude.

"Matteo, aren't you going to say something?" My father asked. I was quiet, silenced by my own anger and disappointment. Instead of my father taking my side and making Ila stay with us, he was willing to let her go.

I shook my head, looking down at the floor. Even though my action said I didn't have anything to say, I had so much I was holding in. I wanted to stop Ila. My father might have given her permission to leave but maybe there was a way for me to persuade her to stop. I looked at Ila and remembering that leaving was the best thing for her, considering her state of mind. Conflicted, I suddenly didn't want to be around anyone, especially Ila and my father.

I met eyes with Ila and that was my last straw. I turned around to the direction of my bedroom's exit and rushed out.

Matteo suddenly stormed out of his own room, leaving me and his father alone.

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