Chapter 1

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Scarlet’s POV
I’m at the mall right now coz I need to buy my things since Monday next week will be the first day of our class and today is already Saturday so I need to hurry up so I can complete the requirements I need for school. Buy here buy there that’s all I do and thank God I’m already done. I eat first then finally go home.

As soon as I arrive I run quickly to my room and lay down in my bed and then I fall asleep.


It’s Sunday and I’m going to stay at home the whole day. If you’re asking where’s my parents well probably at work or at some business trip, but its okay since I’m used to this.
Time really flies fast it’s already midnight meaning tomorrow will be the first day of classes, I already texted my friends a while ago, I told them that we’ll meet at the gate tomorrow.

I woke up unexpectedly early coz it’s only 5:30 am and the classes will start at 7am but I already stood up and fix my bed since I know that I won’t be able to sleep anymore. I do my morning rituald then ready my things and eat my breakfast then finally went to school.
When I arrived I already saw one of my friends waiting at the gate and I quickly went to him.
“Nice ride you have there Nickki” Blake said.
“Thanks” I replied.
After 30 mins. My two other friends arrive.
“Hey what’s up?” Aria asked.
“Finally” I said.
“Hey did you know Nickki here just got a new car and man it looks very expensive” Blake exclaimed
“Oh looks like little Scarly here got her birthday present already” Penelope replied.
"Guys will you stop calling me different nicknames it's very cringy when I hear it, Scarlet is enough and I will take Nikki as a consideration and yep, you're right it is a birthday present from my grandparents" I said without breathing
"Ok fine whatever let's get our schedule at the office coz its getting late" Aria interrupted.

We decided to go to the office coz Aria is right we really need to get our schedule.

After getting our schedule we found out that me, Blake, and Penelope are in the same section while Aria got separated from us. We're sad about it but we promised to see each other every break time. We went to our classrooms immediately coz we don't wanna be late for the first day of class.
When we arrived to our classroom we got separated coz the chairs are randomly arranged but with names in it. I sat at the back of the class which is good and bad at the same time coz I'm a bit small and I will probably have some hard time to see what's written on the board. Luckily when our adviser arrived she changed our seating arrangement and I was seated at the second row which is better coz besides from getting to see the writings better Blake is seated at my back. As usual we introduced our names i didn't really pay attention to my classmates until one girl stood up and she caught my attention coz I think she has this cold yet nice aura I mean she has this impact and I can see that she's hard to read.
"Jasmine Lianne Clementine, 19" she said. Well she's not a talker huh? Interesting, wait what? Nevermind. Others continued to introduce theirselves blah blah blah then it's my time to introduce and I made it short as possible. "Scarlet Nicole Anderson, 18" then I sat down. After the introduction our teacher started to talk about rules and etc. I didn't listen much though. 

Time flies so fast and it's already break time. Like what we talked about we met at the canteen and bought some foods and we also talked about the past classes we had. After break time we went back to our rooms.

I don't know what subject it is now but our teacher asked us to write the names of our friends,  after she said that,  our room became noisy because everyone is talking and confirming if they are friends, I started to list mine but then I became hesitant to write some names since we just talked a few times and I don't know if they considered me as their friend and so I started asking them lastly I awkwardly asked my girl crush if she's my friend and luckily she said yes.

Well if you're thinking if I'm gay or something well no,  actually I don't know? Wait why am I suddenly confused, I'm sure that I'm not. Or am I? Of course I'm not stop thinking it's j- just a girl crush right? I mean there's nothing wrong about it and it's nothing serious right? Oh my God I should probably see a doctor I'm crazy why am I even talking to myself?

I didn't recognize that it's already next subject. Wait so I'm lost for almost an hour? What's happening to me? I was cut off from my thoughts when Blake suddenly talk to me.
"Hey you ok?" Blake asked
"Huh? Ah yeah its just nothing" me
"Ok tell me if there's a problem" Him
I just nodded my head.

[Time Skip]

I started fixing my things coz it's already dismissal time. I straightly head home [eventhough I'm not straight] I shook my head from the thought. Anyways, I head home after saying goodbye to my friends.

I didn't bother to eat dinner since I don't feel hungry,  then I immediately went to sleep.


So here's the first chap hope you like it <3

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