Chapter 1.

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~Lucy POV~

"Haley!!!! Wake up! It's time to go to Hawaii!" I scream to get my best friend Haley up.

Haley and I have been friends since we were four. I still remember the day we met. We known each other for 14 years and are like sisters. She has blonde hair that goes half way down her back. She also have bright blue eyes. She is pretty tall like 5'7 unlike me. I'm 5'4 and I have brown/reddish hair that goes all the way to my butt. I have hazel eyes with a tint of yellow.

We both just graduated high school and now we are going to Hawaii together for vacation. But her lazy butt won't get up.

"Get up!!!" I yell and pick up a pillow to smack her in the face.

"What? huh?" she says half asleep.

"Get up! we are going to miss our plane!" I say and finish packing the last of my things since I was already ready.

She finally gets up and gets ready. After about 15 minutes we head downstairs and see my mom in the kitchen.

"Good morning mom!" I say happily.

"Good morning." She says with a smile on her face.

"How can you guys be so happy, it's like 4 in the morning!" Haley groans.

"Because we're going to Hawaii!" I say excitedly.

She just groans and grab an apple from the table. Haley was never a morning person. Neither am I but I never been out of the state and I'm really excited.

We soon get all our bags in the car and my mom drives us to the airport. After about a thirty minute drive we arrive at the airport. My mom hugs us goodbye and reminds us not to get into trouble.

Honestly I'm surprised my mom is letting me go. She is actually really strict but I think Haley's mom convinced her to let me go.

Haley and I go through security and all and wait for our plane. We still had a while so we went to get Starbucks.

After ordering we sit down at one of their tables and Haley is falling asleep while drinking her coffee. I pull out my phone and go to the app vine. I open it up and start to record.

I get close to Haley's ear and scream, "Ahhhhhhh!" She pops up spilling her drink on the floor. I fall on the floor and die of laughter.

"What the heck!" she screams but then soon joins me in laughing. Everyone in the airport looks at us like were crazy which makes us laugh more.

Soon we board our plane and get seated. I'm so excited I never been on a plane before! Right now Haley and I our the only ones in our row. Of course Haley got the window seat so I'll have to sit next to a stranger.

Soon a group of boys walk in and I know them from somewhere. Then it clicks they're the Magcon boys. Honestly I don't care for them, neither does Haley. Haley and I been on vine since they made it or whatever. We have a good amount of followers and sometimes our 'fans' ask for picture with us, but it's nothing.

Of course three of the guys sit in our row. I think their names were Cameron, Nash, and Taylor.

I glance over and see their eyes on us. I nudge Haley and she notices too.

"Oh here we go." I hear one of them mumble.

I just laugh and turn back towards Haley and talk to her.

"Hey wanna watch youtube videos on my phone?" I ask her.

"Sure." She says and take my other earbud.

We watch some of the O2L videos because well they are the best. Same with them though, I won't freak out about being near them. They are just normal people like everyone else.

Haley and I start cracking up laughing at this one part and I can feel the three guys eyes on us.

"Can I help you?" I ask turning around laughing.

"Uh, no sorry, but actually is that O2L your watching?" Cameron asks.

"Yeah, and?" I ask turning back to watch the video.

"Oh nothing." he says and I just ignore him.

Soon I get tired and Haley is already asleep. I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.


I wake up to someone slightly shaking me. I open my eyes and see that I have my head on Cameron's shoulder. I quickly move and say sorry.

I wake up Haley and we get up and off the plane. We grab our bags and call a taxi to take us to out hotel.

Soon a taxi comes and we hop in. We tell the driver which hotel and shortly after we arrive.

I get our room keys and we head upstairs to our room. 567 is our room, I open the door and as soon as we walk in I regret getting this room.

It's one of those rooms where it's connected to another and I always get this kind of room. I wonder who's is next to us.

~Authors Note~

'Hope you like the first chapter! Like and comment what you think! Thanks!'

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