Chapter Twelve

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Jacob looks to Catherine as she rings out her hair and pulls it over her shoulder, he moves to her, she looks up at him. He leans down and kisses her again, setting his hand on the side of her face, she closes her eyes and enjoys it. He smiles against her lips and pushes her back onto her back, she laughs a little and presses her hand to his chest to stop him.

"Jacob" she whispers, he pulls back and presses his head to her shoulder.

"I got too excited" he mumbles and then they both chuckle. "Not like that....a little like that" he raises his head and smiles at her. She smiles back a little, he strokes her cheek. "It's okay," he tells her. "I'll be here"

"I just....I'm not..."

"I know," he tells her and sits back, she sits up. "Look, you and Edward, you had this relationship, a marriage and was ruined, and it may take you some time...before you want something like that again, I know that, you got hurt and I.." she kisses him to shut him up, he pulls back and frowns.

"It's not that" she assures him. "I like you, Jacob, this last week..." she smiles and looks to her hands as she fiddles with her Cullen bracelet. "There is something that you do to me.....the way you make me feel......" he raises her chin.

"But?" he asks, she shrugs.

"I'm a vampire and you're a wolf....and I don't want to hurt you" she admits, he chuckles softly.

"That's what you're worried about?" he asks softly. "Hurting me?" he nudges her nose with his. "You won't...Catherine...." he smiles. "It has only been a week" he states, she nods. "Just feels like longer...."

"I know" she breathes against his lips. He pulls her closer and kisses her softly.

"We'll wait," he tells her, pressing his forehead to hers. "I'm not going anywhere, Cat, I're stuck with me" she nods. "I'm not going to do what he did to you, you know that, right?" she nods a little and then shrugs.

"It's just....Rose said you and Bella used to...."

"Yeah" he whispers. "I thought I was in love with her" Jacob admits. "But I wasn't.....Sam thinks that I wanted to be around her...because she lead me to you" he tells her. "You, Catherine, you are who I am meant to be are my imprint..." he kisses her head and then stands, sighs and holds out his hand. "Come on...."

"What?" she asks.

"Give me your hand, Cat" he wiggles his fingers, she takes his hand and lets him pull her up. "I want to introduce you to my friends," he tells her.


Jacob smiles pulling Catherine closer to the treaty line.

"Wait right here," he tells her setting his hands on her shoulders, she looks to him and nods, he kisses her. "I'll be right back"

"I'll be here," she tells him, he smiles and jogs across the treaty line, Catherine takes a deep breath, it's not needed but she likes the smell. She hops up onto a fallen log and walks along the length of it. Jacob returns with Embry and Quil who wave at her, she waves back.

"Cat, this is Quil" Jacob sets his hands on his shoulders and then moves to Embry. "This is best friends" Catherine smiles. Jacob holds out his hand to Catherine. "I want to see something" she moves to him and takes his hand. He kisses the back of it and then pulls her towards Quil and Embry. "Touch her," He tells his friends, the two wolves and the vampire shoot him a look. "Just...go with it" he states, Catherine pulls her hand back and holds it out to his friends.

"By far the weirdest thing anyone has asked me to do," Catherine tells him, Embry chuckles and then takes her hand.

"Huh" he states turning her hand over. "She's not cold" Catherine looks surprised. "I figured she'd be cold, like the others"

"I don't understand" Catherine states, Jacob wraps an arm around Catherine.

"My pack mates, my brothers, they don't find you uncomfortable," he tells her. "You're not cold and you don't stink to any of us...."

"So?" Catherine asks. Jacob smiles.

"A vampire that doesn't repulse the wolves," he tells her. "It makes you pretty damn special" she smiles a little and looks down. Embry and Quil share a look, both smirking. "A one of a kind" Jacob adds. "Edward was a moron to hurt you the way he did....." she looks to him. "But I see how incredible you are, and I won't ever hurt you" he kisses her cheek. " about a run?" he asks.

"All of us?" she asks looking between them. "I'll admit I am curious to see how fast you wolves can run" she teases, Embry and Quil smirk.

"You're on" Embry states, he and Quil rough house into the trees, Catherine turns to Jacob, she kisses him.

"Thank you," she tells him. "For trusting me with your friends"


Jacob plays with Catherine's hair as they lounge on the sofa in her room back at the Cullen house, she's actually loved running with Embry and Quil, just something so....natural about being around them. Jacob kisses her head and she turns to snuggle into his chest. He smiles and wraps an arm around her.

"This is nice," he tells her.

"Yeah, it is" she agrees, he rubs her arm and then threads his fingers with hers, this is comfy, he thinks, even with the marble vampire laying against him. This is where he belongs, right here, with her. He presses his nose to her hair and closes his eyes holding her closer to him.

Catherine (J. Black)Where stories live. Discover now