Epilogue - Ten Years

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Jacob grabs the squalling toddler that runs past him, he laughs and blows a raspberry into her neck, she squeals louder and wiggles to get free, he laughs and holds her to his chest and heads through the house which is streaming with kids. And not all of them are his, he swears. Sam's twin six year old boys, and his two month old girl, Paul and Rachel's seven year old girl, Jared and Kim's one year old triplet girls, yep, triplets, eleven year old Hayley and Fenris, Niklaus who is now almost fully grown and finally Sarah, the toddler currently resting in Jacob's arms, his and Catherine's newest edition.

"Maybe we should tag them" Jacob offers watching twins run past him with water gun shooting at Paul's daughter. "So we know who's are who's" he teases looking to Sam who grabs the twins by their collars and hauls them up, they both laugh and squirt him in the face.

"I swear" Sam warns shooting them both a look, they stop.

"Okay, Sarah, let's go find your mother," Jacob tells the girl in his arms.


Jacob walks past Hayley's bedroom and then frowns, hears giggling from within.

"Whoa! Hey!" Jacob scolds pushing open Hayley's bedroom door. "What's the rule?" he asks her, she looks to Embry sat beside her on the floor and then to Jacob.

"If Embry's in the room the door stays open" she grumbles. Jacob gives them both a look.

"Jake..." Embry starts. "She's elven...that's not" Embry shuts up noting Jacob's look.

"Door stays open," he tells them and walks away. Sarah pokes his cheek. "You think I should check on your big brothers?" He asks the girl who nods. "Alright," he tells her.


Fenris and Niklaus are playing video games with Leah and Brady, the four of them laughing away with each other, Jacob and Sarah share a look, both of them smiling. Emily, Kim and pregnant Rachel sit watching them around a wedding binder for Kim. They look to Jacob who smirks and shrugs.

"Lollin" Sarah states, Jacob raises an eyebrow.

"Let's go find him then," Jacob tells her, Sarah pats his neck, like a dog. Jacob sighs and kisses her head.


"Here you go" Jacob hands Sarah off to Collin Littlesea who takes her with a dopey smile, yep, another wolf had imprinted on another of his children, not that he minds, Jacob actually likes having the pack close by, keeping his connection to them. "You seen Cat?" he asks.

"She was heading into the garden earlier," Collin tells him.

"Thanks" Jacob pats his shoulder and heads towards the back of the house.


"Hey, what are you doing out here?" Jacob asks finding Catherine sitting on their porch swing, she looks to him and smiles a little.

"Just needed a moment from the madness that is our life" she offers, he smiles and moves to sit next to her, pulling her closer to him. She wraps her arms around his chest and sighs softly.

"And it's just getting started" he teases. "Blondie and Emmett will be here with their two soon" she groans a little and holds him tighter.

"Who's stupid idea was it to get all the kids together?" she asks.

"Urm...yours" Jacob answers with a smirk.

"Why didn't you tell me it was stupid?" she asks.

"I did" he corrects. "Remember, you were naked, I was naked, there was champagne and bubbles" he teases. "And I told you this many kids in one house was a recipe for nothing but disaster" she looks up at him. "But you said....there was nothing like family"

"There are elven kids running around our house, eight wolves, three humans, a hybrid and we are about to add four more people" Jacob chuckles. "You should have stopped me" she scolds as he kisses her forehead.

"What's this really about?" he asks. "Cause you were fine with all of this last year" Catherine shrugs and fidgets with the sleeve of her jumper. "Cat?" he asks, she takes a breath and looks to him.

"I'm pregnant..again" she admits, Jacob raises an eyebrow.

"What?" he asks. "Are you sure?"

"I saw Carlisle last week" she tells him. "He confirmed it" Jacob's lip twitches into a smile.

"Another one?" he asks, she nods, Jacob laughs lightly and kisses her. "Another one" he breathes softly. "I love you so very much," he tells her warmly.

"I love you too" she whispers against his lips, he kisses her again.


Rosalie holds Henry to her hip as Emmett grabs their bags from the car, their oldest, ten-year-old Vera pulls her headphones from her ears and smiles as Hayley and Fenris leave the house to greet her, as cousins they are very close, it helps that they were born only a year apart. The three of them embrace in one large hug as Rosalie smiles watching them. Catherine and Jacob appear around the side of the house.

"Rose" Catherine greets hugging her sister careful of the toddler.

"Hey, Kitty" Emmett greets. "Jacob" he nods to the wolf who nods back. Catherine pulls back and then coos at Henry who smiles at her.

"Everyone else is inside," Jacob tells them and the touches Hayley's shoulder. "Why don't you show Vera where she'll be sleeping" he offers, Hayley nods and takes Vera's hand, they go into the house together, Fenris scowls, now a little upset Vera stole his twins, Jacob nudges him. "Why don't you go find Harry" he teases, meaning Harriet, Paul and Rachel's daughter. Catherine takes Jacob's arm and rests her head against it.

"You're thinking about them again" she teases, he looks to her. "About our babies and their imprints/imprintees" Jacob smiles and kisses her. Rosalie and Emmett share a smile. Everything is perfect. Everyone is happy. What more can they ask for?

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