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"Christian move damn!" I screamed throwing the remote at him. He ducked missing it by inches making it hit the vase breaking it. "Nigga you would've had a big ass knot on yo head" Samuel said laughing hard. "Y'all wanna go to the mall?" Christian asked

"Nah, I'm tired" I say. "Yo ass always tired" Christian replied "he gone keep fucking with me" I told Samuel causing them to laugh. "Come Michelle! Get up" Samuel whined grabbing me off the couch "no" I whined trying to lay back down. "Come on!" Samuel pulled me completely up. "Now go get cho ass dress" Christian say pointing to my room

I groaned loudly "Y'all motherfuckers get my damn nerves" I mumbled heading to my room.

I put on this^

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I put on this^. I fluffed out my curly hair before putting in my hoops. I added some lip gloss and grabbed my card and keys. "Alright I'm ready" I say walking into the living room

We walked out the door and made our way to Christian car. I got in the backseat. I decided to ask kylah if she wanted to come with us to the mall because I never see her other than us working on the project and she's pretty cool when she stop being shy.  She agreed to coming so I told Christian to go pick her up. His stupid ass was up there smiling and shit.

We pulled up to her place and she got in the backseat with me. "Hey girl" I say wave. "Hey" she smiling. Christian begin clearing his throat "I'm up here nigga" he say turning around "I know" she say confused causing to start laughing. "Damn foe, that's how you acting" Christian asked

"Nigga she don't even know you, turn yo big head ass around" Samuel said causing Christian to smack his teeth. "Y'all motherfuckers gone keep trying me" Christian mumbled causing everyone to laugh.

"So we gone go to Hollister and y'all can go to footlocker" I say. "Alright" we then went our separate ways. We walked into the Hollister store. I spotted a hoodie and walked over to it. "Christian your brother?" Kylah asked me. I shook my head "Nah he my cousin" she nod. "You like him?" I asked. She frowned "no"

"Lyin ass" I mumbled "I don't like him" she say. I put my hands up in surrender "your word" I felt a arm on my shoulder. I turned around seeing stokeley "what's up nigga" he say dapping me. "Stokeley" I squealed. "Who are you here with?" I asked "Ming and zay" I nod

"Who you here with?" He asked "my cousins and my friend" he nod "call Jahseh and ask him what he's doing" stokeley said "Why" I asked "please just do it" I groaned before pulling my phone out my back pocket. I FaceTimed Jahseh which he sent to voicemail. I then called him and he answered

"Hey Jahseh" I squealed "Hey... what's wrong" he asked "nothing, I just wanted to see what you were doing. Why you sent my FaceTime call to voicemail" I asked "oh I have a big ass bump on my face and I aint want you to see it" I frowned. He's a damn lie I thought to myself. "Ok okay, what are you doing?"

"Laying down, chilling, why?" He answered causing me to roll my eyes "I just wanted to know damn, Alright I'll call you later" I say with attitude in my voice "Alright Bye" we hung up. "Alright thanks, get on Fortnite tonight." Stokeley said walking away "Alright Bye"


"Bro what's wrong with Jahseh?" I asked Isaiah sitting down. "What did he say when she called him?" Isaiah asked. "He laying down or some shit" I mumbled "Damn, I hope she don't find out" I added. Jahseh had recently been cheating on Michelle. When I say cheating I mean like having four different bitchs over in a week

Usually when he had girls over I didn't care but you can clearly see Michelle is head over hills for him. "What's wrong with that nigga?" Ming asked causing us to shrug. "He keep cheating on her and I just think is fucked up" Isaiah say putting his head down. "I fell bad for not telling her" I mumbled

"Same bruh" Isaiah mumbled.

I had to leave because I sadly got called into work. I walked into Leo's house. I saw Leo holding some papers. "What are you doing?" I asked leaning on the counter. "I'm trying to sign this new artist" he say looking over the paper "is this a contract?" I asked he nodded. "Can I see?" He handed me the paper

"Holy shit! 2 million in a year" I read aloud "that's only for the unknown artist. When you have to create a buzz for a artist it makes it harder to get money but more is being spent and that's out of their paycheck" I nod "but see if I signed you. I would still have to create a buzz for you but not really because one of your songs have already been on the radio. Someone would probably say 'oh I heard her on the radio before'" I nod

"What if there's already a buzz to their name?" I asked "they would earn tons more depending on the amount of streams they get on one song" I nod "this all seems complicated" he nod in agreement "it took me years to get it down pack, now I have 4 of ten of the hottest artist out at my label"

My mom came and took a seat next to Leo. "Hey guys. What are y'all talking about?" She asked "contracts" Leo responded "ooh you plan on signing a contract" she asked. I immediately shook my head "definitely not" they begin laughing "I'm going to eventually get her at my label"

I lowkey did wanna be a artist but it scared me. "I kinda wanna be famous but it's scary" I mumbled. "What is there to be scared of. Your stepdad right here would never fuck you over" I nod "can see that contract again" he handed it me. "All this can be yours" Leo added handing it to me.

Everything in me wanted to sign it. But my fingers stopped as I seen one thing. "Move to California?" I asked reading over it "I spread my artist on for the first year then they can move wherever they want" I frowned and handed him the paper and pen back. "Yeah I'll pass" he frowned "it's only for a year Michelle" I shrug

"I couldn't imagine not being with Christian and Samuel, Jahseh, stokeley, Isaiah, even Diamond. Yeah im gonna pass" he sighed "Michelle your passing up the greatest opportunity of your life. The slot is always gonna the opened for you. The day everyone turn on you and you have only your music left, it'll always be there" he say folding the paper

For some reason those words stung me, right in the fucking heart

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