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I've become so numb, I can't feel you there
Become so tired, so much more aware
By becoming this all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you
~Linkin Park

Deku's POV


The door behind me banged open and I leaped away from Shoto, who had gone wide-eyed.

"... what. Is. Going. On. Here...!"

I gulped and turned around slowly.

Endeavor stood fuming (literally) in the doorway, a disgusted scowl on his face to match his angry tone.
"Uh..." I mumbled.
"You..." His eyes blazing, he stomped towards Todoroki," you fag!"

He grabbed him by his collar, lifting well off the bed. I bolted towards him and scrabbled at his arm.
"No! Stop! You're-"

Pain spiralled up my spine as he threw me back against the wall roughly. Grunting and gasping for breath, I stayed there for a moment, unable to move. Tears formed in the corners of my eyes as I closed them in pain. I couldn't move. I couldn't help Shoto. I was so useless.

"You faggot! You're nothing like me! You're a disgrace! You'll never become a pro-hero!"

I heard Shoto's whimpers and cries mixed with mine.
I opened my eyes to see...

Endeavor standing over him, beating him, burning him and stripping him.

"St-stop!" I yelled, my voice breaking.

Todoroki was covered in blood and burns and was sobbing violently. I couldn't take it.
Endeavor's animalistic growls echoed in my ears before I blacked out.

Bakugou's POV

What was that?
Some ass yelling and... crying? It sounded like someone was getting their ass beaten, to be honest.

But... it sounded like... Deku? And was... coming from... the infermery...
The hell?

I got up and started to speed walk to the source of the noise. What the heck was going on?
Before I could knock on Half'n'half's door...

Th pro-hero Endeavour walked out and handed me 100 bucks.
"Don't say a word."


I stepped to the side, pocketing the cash, as he stormed past me.
I creaked open the door when he had left and walked in on...
Deku unconcious against the wall in an unnatural position and half'n'half laying slumped on the floor, covered in blood and burns.

"What the fuck happened?" I asked.

"He... saw us... and..."

Shit. I understood what had happened but now he had passed out. Oh well.

I tried to lift the nerd only to receive a grunt of pain.
It hurt me to see both of them like that and I was tempted to go and confront that bastard for hurting them. But I had to take care of them first. It was bad.

Ah! Recovery Girl should help!

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