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Y/n's pov

"hurry up! We're gonna miss the flight! Hurry hurry!! " I cried packing my stuffs quickly as my cousin was packing her stuffs too. We were going to our aunt and uncle's house. They are like mother and father to us. They love us so much. And I love them back as much as they love me.

After my mom died they both took great care of me. They gave me what I wanted took me where I wanted to go.i was excited to go to them after a long time studying in my university with my cousin ela.

"you done? " asked ela zipping her bruise.

" yeah" I said moving out with her. We were always together since I moved to her mom, my aunt. We even shared all secrets to each other.she is a complete sister to me.

Camille (y/n's aunt)

"hurry up you idiot! They will be coming soon. You have to make the dining table too! Swear fast!! " I said angrily at the maid working in our house. 'he is so slow! And I have to pay him much but he doesn't work much! Ugh'

" honey!" Called Gabriel, y/n's uncle, putting on his last expensive watch. "honey I have to go now. I'm going to be late."

"but where are you going? " I said at tense.

"I have a important meeting with my employers. Bye! " he drove out from the gate on his car.

30 mins later

" Hey you!I'm going to pick the girls up! Before I come, make it fast."i said at the maid who was making the dining table.


I took my car keys and then got into my car. I drove to the airport and parked the car. I stood there like 5 mins and saw two girls coming towards me.

"OH Em Jee! MOM!! "ela said dropping her suit case and hugged her mom.

" y/n. Come here." I said kindly and and hugged her

"mom! You know what? I had so fun! It was an amazing experience!! Eeee~" ela said

"mhm! Stop talking and get on the car.i made dinner for u both" I smiled.


We got on the car and drove to home.

Y/n's pov

"wow~what's that smell...? I bet it's noodles!! " I said as I was craving for noodles!"

"oh god that's my favourite!. Let's go ela let's eat! " I ran to the kitchen. And I bumped into someone..... He was looking kindda cute. But I was too hungry so I apologised to him and sat down to eat.

After dinner

After the dinner ela and her mom went to their room to unpack the dresses and stuff.i went near the sink to wash my plate.

But before I could wash it, the maid took the plate from me and started washing.

'is this the maid  who I bumped into? ' I thought about it and I realised that it was him.

"erm, let me wash it" I took the plate and washed it and also all the other plates.he stood there looking at me washing the plates. A few mins later he went out of the kitchen.

' he's so strange. Does not even talk. Heh. '

I went to my room and saw ela hanging her phone.

"yeah. I'll call you later.bye love you. " said ela hanging her phone.

" Who are u talking to"  I asked her confused

"um.. My boyfriend" she said

"w-you have A BOYFRIEND?! "I was shot because she never told me that she had a boyfriend.

" uhhh.. Yeah. It's been a month? Ig? "

I facepalmed and just went to bed. She also went to the bathroom and changed and then went to sleep.


I woke up when I felt my throat dry. I got up from the bed and went to the kitchen and saw someone at the refrigerator.

When I just on the lights, he looked at me scared.

"ehh.. You!"


Sorry for any grammar mistake❤️. And I know this is not a great place to cut off. But I had no way. Hope u like it!

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2019 ⏰

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