Me and Brendan are in the same school, but we don't have classes together. That's why I see him only at lunch, it's my favourite part of the day. I meet him at lunch and we sit on our favourite table. I watch Brendan's eyes getting bigger as I talk. I look behind me and see the beehive ( Sabrina, Ati, Dani and Axel ) whit their Queen bee Sabrina walking right in my direction. Brendan looks very happy for some reason. They sit next to us, Dani makes sure to be the one next to me. She either likes me or hates me the most. -Wanted to tell you the party is cancelled for tomorrow. 8 o'clock. Be there. -Did we have to sit next to them for you to tell her that. - Axel is quiet, but angry. -Yes, its important to me. - says Sabrina whit a big fake smile on her face. -Yes, its important for her, Axel.- Ati's voice is suprisingly really squeaky and annoying. Sabrina takes her phone and makes a quick photo of everyone except Brendan. He doesn't even seem to notice tho. Then she stands up and everyone else follows her. Dani looks at me and quietly says-Bye. I smile at her and she runs after her friends. - So a party, huh.- Brendan smiles at me. - What, I can have some fun too. We laugh about it a little and discuss my outfit for the party. I don't know how I deserved a friend like Brendan. He's been to a lot of parties and he is not scared to perform whit his guitar. He doesn't like the kids from school, but he hangs out whit his brother and his brother's friend a lot. He is kind of a role model to me in that aspect, I could never imagine having that much attention on me. After the long day I go home, lay down on my bed and turn on my phone. I see a bunch of notifications, there's a photo I've been tagged in. Sabrina's account. I see the photo from today whit the caption:
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I guess I'm her bestie now. Don't get me wrong, being the bestie of the most popular person in school is great, but I can't imagine the attention I'm going to get tommorow. I can clearly see she is using me, because of my father, but I try not to think about it too much. I turn off the phone and the lights and fall asleep.