🧡Why don't you allow me to🧡

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I wake up terrified of today's day. I know I'm going to get a lot of looks, so I have to be presentable. I would usually wear some kind of a meme shirt and jeans. But I look in my closet and choose my favourite outfit.

 But I look in my closet and choose my favourite outfit

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I put on some makeup

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I put on some makeup. I don't usually wear makeup, but when I do I put as little and as natural as possible. I grab a hairband and put my hair in a ponytail. That's my go to. I have a little complex whit my ginger hair. Sometimes I wish I was more normal and basic looking so I wasn't drawling so much attention on myself. My parents wouldn't let me die it, because they think it makes me unique. So I try my best to hide it.

 So I try my best to hide it

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I go in the kitchen and help my mom whit the breakfast

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I go in the kitchen and help my mom whit the breakfast. I'm an only child and my dad is almost always at work, so me and her have a really close bond. She feels more like a friend than a mother.

I eat my pancakes and head to school

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I eat my pancakes and head to school.
    I enter school and go straight to the beehive. I'm getting a lot more looks and whispers than usual.
   -Why would you make such a comment below this picture. - I scream at Sabrina, but not too loud.
   - Come whit me ,baby girl. -she says smiling.
  She drags me down the corridor.
   - Look at all of them, do you see this.
   - I'm looking, but I'm not sure I understand you.- The only thing I can see is the confused students staring at us.
   - Everyone is looking!- she mansions confidently - There's a reason for that. We both have something special, something to share whit the world.
   I believed Sabrina for the first time ever. Suprisingly this is really helping my self confidence. She actually is a nice person. The more I was talking and spending time whit her, the more she was growing on me.
   -Katherine, I want to be your friend, why don't you allow me to.
  I smile and in response she smiles back. I love this moment. We head to our next class.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2019 ⏰

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