Chapter 1

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Shoto woke up and got ready to go to school. The two-toned boy starting panicking when he realised it was half past eight, and school started at quarter to nine. Shoto ran around and then ran downstairs, only to find they had no food.

"Fucks sake. Why do we have no food?" Shoto shouted before banging his head against the wall.

"Calm the fuck down Icyhot." Katsuki said as he walked into the room.

"Don't tell me what to do dickhead." Shoto replied, still panicking. Shoto gasped when Katsuki pinned him against the wall.

"Call me a dickhead one more time and I'll fucking kill you." Katsuki almost shouted.

"Please do, I hate living." Shoto mumbled.

"Shut the fuck up half and half and hurry up and get to homeroom." Katsuki said, letting him go and tossing a bag of crisps at him.

"Thanks." Shoto said before following him out the door. The boys walked to homeroom together, arriving three minutes late.

"You two are late." Aizawa said tiredly as the boys walked in the door. Shoto mumbled an apology and Katsuki mumbled a 'duh'. Shoto scoffed before sitting in his seat. "Anyway, I have the list of partners, and tonight you will find out things about your partner that nobody else knows about them. Be prepared to share them to the class tomorrow so make sure you can handle the embarassment. I shall look forward to you all blushing like tomatoes." Aizawa said with a smirk.

"Oh fuck me." Shoto whispered.

"Gladly." Shoto heard someone say, making him chuckle.

"The groups are: Midoriya and Ojiro, Mineta and Tokoyami, Kaminari and Kirishima, Bakugo and Todoroki.." Aizawa said, Shoto tuning out after he heard his name. He looked over at Katsuki who was smirking. Shoto internally groaned, scared for what Katsuki was going to make him confess to.


The day went way too quickly for Shoto's liking, and soon the bell went signally the end of the day. Shoto slung his backpack onto his back before being seatbelted.

"You're not going anywhere Icyhot." Katsuki said with a smirk before they started walking together.

"Who's dorm room are we going to?" Shoto asked.

"Yours. Nobody's seen mine and they aren't going to." Katsuki said.

"Fine. But if you go through anything or touch anything and I'll freeze your internal organs." Shoto threatened.

"What are you hiding half and half?" Katsuki asked teasingly, a smirk accompaning his features.

"Everything you can't afford." Shoto said, a smirk ghosting his lips.

"Yeah well at least I have a happy family." Katsuki said before getting a punch to the face.

"Make one more remark about my family and you won't have any of those oh-so-amazing facial features." Shoto said as they reached the dorms.

"Fine." Katsuki muttered as they walked in, heading straight to the elevator. A few minutes later, both boys walked into Shoto's dorm room. Shoto collapsed on the bed and Katsuki sat on the desk chair.

"So what do you want to know?" Shoto asked, staring at the ceiling.

"You can't dodge any questions okay? Don't worry, they're not about your heaps upon heaps of daddy issues." Katsuki said and Shoto nodded.

"Fine. You can't dodge questions either. Ask me the questions but you have to answer as well." Shoto said before he got an idea. "You know what? Go as dirty as you want." Shoto said with a smirk, sitting up and facing Katsuki, a pillow in his lap.

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