Chapter 5

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Katsuki woke up to shouting coming from the dorms kitchen. How he could hear the shouting he did not know, since he was on one of the highest floors. Katsuki sighed before getting dressed into his hero costume since they were going to another training facility like the USJ. Once Katsuki was dressed and had everything he needed we went downstairs to where the argument was still happening. 

"I said I'm fine Iida!" Katsuki heard someone yell. 

"You need to eat." Iida said, getting slightly annoyed.

"Iida calm down, I can handle this." Yaoyorozu said.

"I'm not some fucking china cup! I'm not fragile! I'm a human like the rest of you and I have rights. If I don't want to eat than I don't have to damnit!" They screamed.


"Leave him alone." Katsuki said as he stepped out the elevator.

"Bakugo?" Shoto said. 

"The fuck you want Icyhot? I only told her to leave you alone because your noise woke me up. Loud fuckers." Katsuki said. 

"How the fuck did you hear me?" Shoto asked as Katsuki walked past.

"How did the villains know where the training camp was?" Katsuki said before he walked into the kitchen to get some food. Within a hour, all of class 1A had eaten something (except Shoto) and were ready to get on the bus. 

"You can sit wherever on the way back, but on the way there you sit in the seating plan." Aizawa said. 

"How does that work sir?" Iida asked. 

"It works simply. For instance, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu sit together, Midoriya and Sero sit together, Bakugo and Jiro sit together." Aizawa said, making a few people groan. Some people cheered, like Ashido and Kaminari, because they got to sit next to their friends whereas Katsuki and Jiro groaned because they had to sit together.

"I get the window seat headphones!" Katsuki yelled as he stepped into the bus.

"Yeah whatever." Jiro said before plugging her earphone jacks into her phone. When everyone was on the bus and they started moving, the conversations started.

"Do you think there's going to be another attack, kero?" Asui asked, making Midoriya shake his head. 

"UA have upgraded the security. And the pros will be on guard anyways. Even if there is another attack, we're stronger now so we'll be able to beat them!" Midoriya said enthusiastically, raising everyone's spirts. Midoriya didn't manage to raise Shoto's spirits, who was looking depressed as usual. 

"Todoroki are you okay?" Yaoyorozu asked the younger boy. 

"I'm fine." Todoroki said, not wanting to talk about what was bothering him. 

"Todoroki, I'm a girl. 'I'm fine' translates to 'I'm not fine someone please help me'. So what's up?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"The sky?" Shoto asked, making Yaoyorozu chuckle. "What about your IQ? That's very high up." Shoto said, a small smile ghosting his lips. 

"Thanks Todoroki, but flattery won't get you out of this." The girl said. 

"I'm just tired, that's all." Shoto said. 

"Anything else?" Yaoyorozu said and the two-toned boy shook his head. "Are you sure it's nothing to do with a certain ash blonde?" Yaoyorozu asked, looking over at Katsuki as Shoto's head shot up. Katsuki looked across the bus when he heard him being mentioned. 

"Why would you say that?" Shoto asked, confused and slightly annoyed she caught on. 

"I've seen the way you look at him. You were also screaming in your sleep last night- you woke the entire floor up." The black haired girl said. 

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