Chapter 24 - No Promises

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I smile as I see Bonnie walk out of algebra, "Hey there hot stuff. You ready?" I hold my hand out for her to take and she does so, gladly squeezing it. I smile as she walks along the corridor with me, resting her head on my shoulder. I looked around to see people staring at us. I just shrugged it off, "Marce?" "Yeah?" "I'm scared." I squeeze her hand and kiss her head, "I know. But you'll get through it. You know why?" "Why?" "Because I'm gonna help you. Whether you like it or not." She smiles and squeezes my hand in response. We make our way through the winding corridors and out to the parking lot where we see Finn, Jake and Lady standing around and whispering. We quickly join them, "What's up, guys?" I say. They all go silent. "Guys, what happened?" "See for yourself," Finn says, handing me a sheet of paper. It was a flyer, with a picture of myself and Bonnie on the front with a huge spray-painted red title saying "fags". "They're all over school." Jake says. I crumple it up in my hands and let it fall to the ground, "Where the hell is she," "Marceline, come on-" Jake begins, but I don't let him finish. I'm already making my way over to LSP and her little posse of homophobic assholes. I walk up to her and tap her on the shoulder. When she turns around and sees me, she grins, "Like our flyers? Made them myself." "What is your problem?" I ask, balling my fists at my sides. I hear the others running behind me, warning me not to do anything. "Listen up, LSP. I'm fucking sick of you and your little band of dickholes messing with me and my friends. Why don't you back the hell off before things get ugly." I say, warning her. She raises her eyebrows, "Is that a threat?" "Did I fucking stutter?" She lunges for me, throwing a punch at my face. I feel the blow and immediately grab both her wrists, twisting her arms and grabbing hold of them both. I punched her face, keeping her arms bound with my other hand. PB comes running beside me, trying to tell us to stop. "Guys, stop fighting! Just stop it!" LSP shoves Bonnie to the ground and I lose it again. I grab her by her hair and yank her down to the floor, shoving her to the ground. I feel arms grab me from behind and struggle to break free, but they've already lifted me off the ground. I turn around to see Jake carrying me. "Let me go! Jake, let me fucking go!" I scream, punching and kicking him. "That's enough, Marce. I think she's learned her lesson." I scream with fury, "She hasn't learned jack shit until her face is plastered to the fucking gravel! Jake where the fuck is Bonnie? Jake!" He just carries on walking with me slung over his shoulder. He takes me over to his truck. Finn, Lady and Bonnie were sat in the back, Lady wrapping a bandage around Bonnie's wrist. It looked purple. "Bonnie? Bonnie what happened? Did you hurt your wrist when you fell? Oh God, I'm so sorry." I climb into the back of the truck and wrap my arms around Bonnie, inspecting her wrist. "Marcy, it's fine. I'm fine." She lifts my chin up with her fingers and gasps, "Marce you're bleeding! Oh god we need to get you some help!" I look at my reflection in the car window and shrug, "It's just a cut. I'll be fine. Plus, as long as LSP looks worse, I couldn't care less what I look like." Bonnie sighs and stares at the floor of the truck, "You can't just start fights with people like that, Marceline." She says, serious now. I raise my eyebrows, "Are you serious? I didn't start that, LSP did. She hit me first. And to think that you of all people would actually believe I'd do that? Wow. Thanks a lot Bonnie." I jump down from the truck and walk away. "Marce, come on. Wait. Just stop!" Bonnie calls after me. I stop, still facing forwards. She catches up to me and walks directly Infront of me, "Marcy, I'm sorry. I just got a little scared. I've never been in a fight, and seeing you in one just scared me half to death. I'm sorry, I know you wouldn't start it. You just looked so angry-" "I am angry! But I don't start fights, Bonnie. I'm not like that." She grabs both my hands, "I know. And I love you for that." She kisses the cut under my eye and wraps her eyes around me, "Seeing you hurt killed me. Let's make sure that never happens again." I laugh a little, nestling my head into the crook of her neck, "No promises." She flicks me and I laugh.

Love Hurts (Adventure Time Marceline/Princess Bubblegum fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now