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"y'all ready to go? its time to go get your brother back", minhee plastered a smile on her face despite the fact that she too, was scared.

not scared of going through all this, but the fear of failing. she didnt want to disappoint the boys.

it was clear to the princess that everyone was nervous, terrified. who knows what awaits them outside and who knows if they'll even make it out alive?

but, she made a promise. that whatever darkness lurks in those shadows, she would protect the boys with all her will power.

"we're ready, lets go"

on their way to the door, minhee halts and surprises the boys following her at the back.

"why'd she stop?", taehyung whispers to jimin who was beside him.

"before actually going, i want you all to reflect on the set of rules i gave you. rule number 1?"

"never split up!", they answer.

"rule number 2?"

"do not interact with vendors!"

"and lastly, rule number 3?"

"trust no one!"

"good. its nice knowing that you all listened. so lets get going", she opens the door and walks straight to the path where they should be.

"act natural boys, being tense gives off a hint", she says communicating in their minds.

while walking, the boys were following minhee's every move and change of directions. they knew they shouldnt split up, they had to be together.

"there are vendors up ahead. decline their offers immediately, i repeat decline immediately"

the boys nod their heads and continue walking in a street full of vendors.

their little stores were simple, just to cover themselves and claim the land as their property.

but what they were selling were brutal. female humans for sale, male humans for sale, fresh blood for sale and a show where they literally showcase a vampire not sparing a human.

this sight made all the boys shiver, frightened that they could be the ones on that position if they werent careful enough.

FOUND YOU ⇻ k. seokjinWhere stories live. Discover now