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"Mary Cortez why are you not up?! You have school today." my mother says

"I'm up. I'm up." I say.

My name is Mary. I am a freshman at Ballston High School. I hate going to school. All the other kids make fun of me because I am different. I wish they could feel what I am feeling when they say those hurtful things but oh well.

I go down stairs to eat breakfast I feel like there is something different. But I don't mind. I will just carry on with my business.

"How did you sleep Mary." she said.

"Fine I guess I just had one of those weird dreams again." I say

"What about this time."

"It was about some random guy that I don't know, or have even seen before."

"I bet it doesn't mean anything like the other ones."

The weird thing that happens when I dream is that all my dreams happen. I call them visions not dreams but mom always makes me say "dreams" because she thinks it sounds weird when I say visions. There is a clear definition between visions and dreams. Visions for me is that I can see things that are going to happen. The word dream could be compared to wishful thinking.

The guy in my vision was different almost like me. But it was strange talking to him cause I didn't know who he was and he never said his name. I don't need to worry about it cause I think it was a dream not a vision.

I go up stairs to grab my backpack for school. I check that I have everything just to make sure.

"BANG" I hear form down stairs. i rush down fast to see what it was.

My mom looked at me wide eyed. There are a bunch of people in my house. I try to get closer without being noticed but it doesn't work. I try to run but it's no use there are people a around my house.

I run out the door as much as I don't want to leave my mom behind but, it's for the best. As soon as I am out the door I am pushed to the ground. I can't move with this guy on top of me. I feel something go into my neck. All I see now is dark colors now. That's all I remember.

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