Chapter 9: With old friends, come old memeories

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"Okay, so tell me again how you ended up with a random kid in your guest bedroom?" Rhodey asked as he and Tony stopped outside Peter's door.

"Shhh!" Tony hissed, gesturing to the closed door. "Enhanced hearing."

Rhodey made a face. "Enhanced hearing? What the hell-where did you get this kid?!"

Tony shrugged and pushed open the door. "Just go with it. Be cool."

Peter groaned from the sudden burst of light that entered his room.

  "Sorry kid," Tony whispered, quickly closing the door behind Rhodey. "But i brought you a visitor anyway, so get up."

Rhodey craned his neck to see behind his best friend, catching a glimpse of the frail boy in the red and blue themed room. Now that he noticed it, those colors, that white, almost string-like design, reminded him of something..of someone.

Peter huffed, not moving. "I don't want any visitors," he whined.

Tony rolled his eyes before ripping the covers off the teen, causing Peter to yelp as if he'd been tased.

"Well, i don't want to put up with your teenage angst, but here we are. Peter meet Rhodey, Rhodey, this is Peter," Tony said.

Rhodey stared at the teenager sitting on the bed. He looked so familiar, that brown hair, those eyes, his tiny frame, and his voice. Oh, he could recognize that annoying tweety-bird voice anywhere..

"Holy shit," Rhodey breathed, everything clicking into place. "You adopted Spider-boy."

"Spider-man," both Peter and Tony corrected automatically before Tony started to explain.

"Okay, slow down, i didn't adopt him. His aunt died, so i just kinda took him in," Tony said hastily, avoiding Peter's lost gaze.

"And you just forgot to tell me!?" Rhodey exclaimed.

"Well," Peter spoke up. "It's not like we've had a funeral or anything yet. So how would you know?"

"Jesus Christ kid, i wouldn't have even been invited!"

Tony raised his hands. "Rhodey, take a chill pill. May wanted me to take him in. I was in the will. This wasn't some drunken decision."

Rhodey glared at Tony, causing the latter to wither under his gaze.

"Well, good luck introducing him to the rest of the gang, Tony," Rhodey said, crossing his arms over his chest. "I'm talking to General Ross about getting the rogues cleared today. They're coming home."

The spiders bedroom fell silent, Rhodey in a state of distaste, Peter still half-asleep, and Tony drowning in his own panicked thoughts.

Oh god, the billionaire thought, taking a seat on the edge of Peter's bed. I'm gonna have to see Steve Rodgers. I'm gonna have to live with Steve Rodgers.

"Mr. Stark, are you okay?" Peter's voice broke through Tony's anxiety. The genius nodded wearily before standing again.

"I could be asking you the same thing, twerp. You're going back to school after the funeral this weekend, no buts. I'll be back in a few. I got some shit to take care of," Tony said, pulling himself together with the sole thought that the kid had it worse. Someone always had it worse.

Rhodey nodded to Peter before leading Tony out of the bedroom.

Once the door was closed, did Tony finally let himself fall apart. All the memories came flooding back, the blood, the cold, the look on Steve's face before he thrust his shield into his arc reactor-

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