Chapter 8

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It's Saturday, the day after the party. After what had happened, I walked away from Callen I went to June and Paris and told them everything. They were shock and so was I. The only part that I didn't tell them was that Milo liked Norah. I couldn't tell them, I don't know why. I'm still shocked about that. But I don't know why I am. I should of expected this. It's reality. The thing is, I've never seen Norah and Milo talk to each other. Does Norah know I like Milo? I could see them together. Milo would be happy. Maybe Norah does like him but isn't admitting her true feelings. How could no one like a guy like Milo, " The boy who has value." I never notice Milo crushing on Norah. Was Callen lying just to make me forget about him? I can't trust anyone. Is this what Callen said to Milo on that day when they were on the field talking about Milo calling "dibs" on? Maybe Callen said something about Milo knowing everything about Norah and Milo was denying it. Now when I look back to it. I'm pretty sure it was that. Mystery solved.

I remember the first time I saw Milo. It was in grade 7 where he first came to the school. I didn't think much of him. I didn't really take a closer look at him. Until one day. One day it all changed. It may not sound real but it was... I sat at circular table that was right beside his table. I dropped a paper without even knowing. He picked it up, turned to me and said "Is this yours?" I looked him, eye to eye. That moment I felt off. "Ye-yes." "Thank you." I stuttered. We turned back, and continued doing our work. I thought to myself, something about his eyes were just so special. It was like his hazel eyes sparkled. But I'm not the kind to judge how people look. Then I started to notice him even more. He would always smile at everyone, he was the nicest boy in the class. It took a paper to fall down. That's how quick, I fell for him. It was like I was the paper. I never really told anyone about Milo since after middle school. I couldn't tell anyone. Only my journal, and that's it. I liked him for 4 years. Yet nothing has changed. After, grade 8. I would be going to high school. A new "Fresh start" I thought to myself. But Nope. I was so lucky to get into a school that my friends were going to, so I wouldn't be alone at another school. Turned out that half the class from My old middle school was going to the same high school as me. Including, June, Paris, Norah, Violet, Helana, Tory,  Lane, Callen, Isaac, and Milo. After grade 9, we all started to change.  Callen met Leon. Norah and Helana started getting closer. Some grew up and turned to be them real selves. I guess it part of growing up.

People say high school is the time of finding your true self. I would say half right and half not. We are all confused on what we want to be in the future. We are still not ready for the future. I'm not at least. But I do know what I want to be. A writer. I mean I always loved reading and writing, english was my favourite subject. Maybe I'll write a book someday. Whatever I'll do, it was meant to be.
It was Tuesday, I was walking towards my locker to exchange my math text book for my french book. After I closed my locker,  I went outside to the secret bench to write some things down. Then out of the corner of my eye, I saw June walking and someone following her. I was going to say hi until I saw someone.  Callen. Then I heard them talking quite loudly.
"So,  you watched episode 67? It's the best one!" Said June.
"Nah, episode 34 is way better." Said Callen.
"WHAT! Thats episode is so boring, nothing exciting happens." Said June.
"Expect when Cube died." Said Callen.
"Exactly, Cube is horrible character. He betrayed his brother and is kind of a bad guy. Not my favourite if you ask me." Said June.
"HEY! Cube is a great character! He saved everyone when they were stuck in the cold room, almost being squished to death." Said Callen.
"But that was episode 16. That was before he became the way he is now."
"If Cube is your favourite character, then why is that episode your favorite one when he died?" Asked June.
"His last words was, "Even though I am the bad guy, you never knew me." Said Callen.
They both paused for a second. Then looked at eachother.
"Does that quote like mean anything to you?" Asked June.
"That's a quote that I can relate to the most. Don't tell anyone about this but...Know one, knows me. They think I am the popular guy who is mean and selfless. "The jerk." Which is true in a way.  I consider myself to be mean."  Said Callen.
" When I met Leon, he changed me into my real self . I'm not going to lie, I am a jerk to people.  I am not nice. I can be if I want to.  It's like I have two sides, the good and the bad. Most of the time bad though. When my nice side turns on, it's mostly with the people I most comfortable with. Even though I am comfortable being mean. I am myself either way. It's hard to explain." Said Callen.

I never seen this side of Callen before. Besides the time him "caring" about Milo. But not this. Never, since grade 4. It's like I never knew him. Which I didn't really... All these 8 years, I don't really know him. Maybe I do now, I guess.

"I never knew that about you Callen." Said June.
"Again, no one knows me."
"You're probably the second person to know this. First is Milo." Said Callen.
Callen waved goodbye leaving June at the field all alone. After 6 minutes of June just standing in one spot, she left. I was confused. When did June start talking to Callen? It's all of a sudden, even after I told her what Callen said to me. It was weird. Usually June really dislikes the "cool guys" especially Callen. But that was last year, I don't know about now. Maybe she changed...


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