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jungkook ran out to find the tiger boy. he looked all over the first floor, then walked out to the backyard. he scanned his eyes and spotted taehyung sitting in the grass playing with the roses hoseok planted a while ago. jungkook sighed and quietly shut the door behind him. he walked over to the boy and sat next to him.

taehyung looked over to jungkook and then looked back to the roses. jungkook was debating what to say. he had mixed feelings because he never said sorry to anyone.

"i'm sorry for what i said" jungkook blurted out, making taehyung jump in surprise

"it's okay, i don't mind" taehyung said playing with the rose in between his fingers.

"jimin told me what happened to you at school" jungkook said, making taehyung tense up.

"you're not trash, i just say mean things without thinking and i also ju-" jungkook was cut off by a hand being placed on top of his. jungkook breath hitched in his throat

'what the fuck, why am i feeling like this?' jungkook thought.

jungkook looked up to taehyung and let out a shaky breath. taehyung was as red as an apple and he looked down to their hands.

"i said it's okay kookie" taehyung spoke softly, slowly intertwining their hands until they were fully clasped together.

"so you're not mad?" jungkook asked slowly

"i was never mad; i was just hurt is all" taehyung shrugged

jungkook hummed in response, rubbing circles on taehyung's hand with his thumb while keeping their hands together. the actions made taehyung's heart flutter out of his chest. taehyung didn't know why he was feeling this way towards a gang member especially since they barely met. he pushed those thoughts out of his mind and focused on the present. taehyung enjoyed jungkook's presence, even if he's a real dick sometimes.

they sat in a comfortable silence, both of their stomachs filled with butterflies.


"namjoon move the fuck out my way, i'm trying to see" jimin huffed, jumping to see the two boys sitting in the back yard. everyone was in awe at the fact that jungkook was starting to show feelings, and at the fact that he let someone show him affection like taehyung does.

"maybe if you weren't so fucking short, you'd live an easier life" namjoon snapped back

yoongi gasped and hit namjoon on the neck, causing jimin to cross his arms and smirk.

"why the fuck did you do that you ugly fuck" namjoon hissed while jin rubbed the spot with his hand

"don't talk to jim- i mean to short people like that, we suffer a lot you bitch" yoongi stumbled turning red at what he almost said

namjoon raised an eyebrow and decided to question him about it later.

"shit! they're coming inside, everyone to the couches" hoseok screamed and everyone scrambled to the living room throwing themselves on the couches. jimin, namjoon, and yoongi took out their phones, hoseok and jin made up a quick conversation.

"and so the squid told the pigeon tha- oh hey guys you're back" jin said looking over to them

jungkook nodded and they both plopped themselves down on the couches.

"so what do you guys want to do?" namjoon asked

"we can go out undetected right?" asked yoongi

"yeah we just got to keep an eye out" replied namjoon

"we should go swimming" suggested hoseok

everyone shared looks before all nodding their heads in agreement

"well then let's get ready" namjoon said

everyone went to their rooms and grabbed swimming trunks and everything else they needed before piling into one car.

jin decided to drive while namjoon sat in the passenger seat, yoongi, jungkook, and hoseok all sat in the back.

"how are we going to fit?" asked jimin, gesturing to both him and taehyung. yoongi smirked at jimin and yoongi opened his arms, gesturing jimin to sit on his lap. jimin blushed but placed himself on yoongi lap while leaning on him. yoongi rested his hands on jimin's thighs, making jimin's imagination grow wild.

taehyung smiled adoringly at the sight before he snapped back into reality when a hand pulled him down, causing taehyung to gasp. taehyung was placed on jungkook's lap. jungkook wrapped his arm around the boys waist, taehyung's face turned crimson red when he processed the position he was in. little did taehyung know, jungkook's heart was leaping out of his chest. jungkook fought the urge to smile and remained expressionless.

namjoon looked over to jin and smiled at the beautiful image of jin. namjoon hesitantly reached his hand over and grabbed jin's. jin tensed up and glanced namjoon then their hands. jin only gave his hand a quick squeeze when their hands were fully intertwined. both boys were smiling widely.

hoseok let out little snores with his earphones in, falling more in love with nle choppa each day

when they arrived jin, taehyung, and jimin ran towards the private and empty pool excitedly. hoseok following behind them, letting out crow like noises. jungkook let out a small smile at taehyung before walking a little faster to catch up with him.

"hey yoongi?" namjoon asked, causing yoongi to stop and look towards the leader.

"what?" yoongi replied

"you found your weak spot, didn't you?" namjoon asked, yoongi glanced at jimin and then back at namjoon

"yes" yoongi answered staring and smiling at jimin.

"don't worry though" namjoon said

namjoon looked over at jin and his heart erupted in all smiles when he heard jin's loud laugh before continuing

"i found mine too"

love stains// tk,nj,ymWhere stories live. Discover now