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the next morning taehyung woke up incredibly happy. he sat up and flung his legs over the edge of the bed but regretted moving at all because of the pain in his lower body. he hissed in pain and threw himself back into the warm bed. 

jungkook was watching taehyung and stifled a laugh. 

"how's my boyfriend doing this morning" jungkook asked, his voice still hoarse from sleep.

"i'm in pain" taehyung whined, rubbing his bum

"sorry baby" jungkook said kissing his lips. 

taehyung smiled at jungkook, not believing that the older was finally his.

"let's go downstairs, i smell pancakes" jungkook sit standing up. taehyung pouted and cleared his throat at jungkook. he laughed and picked up his baby. taehyung wrapped his legs around the waist his boyfriend, snuggling his face into jungkook's chest. taehyung winced, but relaxed when jungkook held him. 

"hey guys" jungkook said 

jin looked at the two and smiled

"what's up with tae?" hoseok asked

"he can't walk" jungkook laughed, sitting down on the couch with taehyung still straddling him, resting his face hos chest.

yoongi busted out laughing, understanding why. 

"did you guys have fun?" namjoon chuckled. jungkook looked down at taehyung and smiled at how red his face was. taehyung smacked the top of jungkook's head, huffing and nuzzling his face in jungkook's neck.

"my boyfriend is such a baby" jungkook smiled

"boyfriend?!" jimin screamed

"yeah" jungkook smiled, kissing taehyung's forehead.

everyone smiled and cheered. hoseok grunted as he slid over money to jin. 

"you guys bet on us?" taehyung asked them.

"yes, and clearly i won" jin cheered, cuddling into namjoon's side. 

"i'm so lonely" hoseok said hugging a pillow. 

"no you're not!" jimin said. jimin wiggled out of yoongi's grasp and jumped onto hoseok hugging him. everyone turned their heads to yoongi and their eyes widened when they saw the glare he sent towards the boys. yoongi got up and scooped jimin up, sitting back down at the other side of the room

"mine" yoongi growled, hugging jimin's waist, causing him to blush and place kisses on his jaw calming yoongi down. 

hoseok sighed and turned to the other two couples

"jin! let's cuddle" hoseok smiled walking over to jin. jin smiled and held out his arms, but hoseok was pushed away by namjoon

"he doesn't want to cuddle with you" namjoon said, turning his head back to the tv. jin giggled and locked his hands with namjoon's, placing multiple kisses on namjoon's face then his lips.

hoseok turned to jungkook and taehyung. he could practically feel the rest of the guys shaking their heads no.

"taehyungie! let's cuddle" hoseok grinned. taehyung nodded and smiled widely scrambling off of jungkook, opening his arms. before hoseok could get to the bunny, a leg was placed in front of him, preventing him to go any further

"back the fuck up or get smacked the fuck up" jungkook muttered, placing taehyung back on his lap. hoseok sighed and collapsed on the ground. jimin, taehyung, and jin frowned and they all got up and jumped on hoseok giggling. the gang members gasped and got up each grabbing their significant other, hugging them with their faces smushed in their chests.

love stains// tk,nj,ymWhere stories live. Discover now