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Broward county , FL   ( not edited )

2:00 am

Sins p.o.v

I sold my last bag to this women who looked like she was barley standing and made my way back to the trap.

    The smell of weed and liquor instantly hit my nose when I entered the house

"Y'all need to get the fuck up and make some money you fucking losers" I spat coldly

"Shut the fuck up bitc-" one of the drunk idiots said but he was instantly cut off by my fist to his jaw

"Watch your fucking tongue before I rip. it .out " I said calmly and slowly

I made my way to the back and gave the boss the money I just made and turned around to leave

"Aye sin!" He shouted right before I left

I spun around "wassup ?"

He threw me three stacks of cash
"Glooks Kane " i said dapping him up and collecting my money and stuffing it into my pockets

"Stay sage sin! " he shouted as I left


I made my way down the street passing all of these run down buildings when I heard laughter coming from around the corner

"Ayooo I seen a girlll" the one with the red hair said as I turned to leave I was drug back by my hair

"Where u think u going huh ?" Said another guy but he was dark and had a bald head

"Home btc lemme go " I said, I instantly received a punch to the face

"I hate a disrespectful ass bitch " the bald one said, threw me to the ground i got up and right hooked his ass with all my might and ran
I heard foot steps behind me but I keep running and running and running at this point I didn't know where I was at
Then suddenly I ran into a boy with mixed colored dreads and face tats
He looked pretty pissed when I bumped into him but I didn't care I tried to keep running but he pulled my arm back

"Why are you running at almost 3 o'clock inna morning ?!" He spat at me coldly.

"Don't worry about it lemme go " I turned around and seen those guys coming towards me again

"Shit ! Lemme go now " I squirmed around but he wouldn't let go instead he pulled me into a house and locked the door

He finally let go and looked at my face and seen I had a bruise under my eye

"What happened to you ?" He said looking at my face

Jahseh p.o.v

"What happened to you " I said lookin at her face
I don't even know why I care ion even know this girl but she seemed inna rush and I wanna know why

"Why were they chasing you " I said going into the kitchen to get ice
She finally spoke

"I don't know , I was coming from the tr- ... I was coming from somewhere and they grabbed me up and I punched the bald one and ran " she said kinda irritated.

"What's your name ?" I said putting the ice on her eye , she really is cute but I can't fall in love with her . I'm to toxic ...

"Just call me sin " she said watching me closely .

"I'm x by the way " I said

"I know we just met in all but ... do you mind if I stay here for the night? Ion wanna run into those pussies again " she said looking down at her hands .
"I'll pay you if you want the money -

"You can stay , but keep your money " I said looking and her weirdly , this isn't a motel ima not gonna take her shit

"Thx x I appreciate it" she said still looking down

"No problem " I said grabbing her hand
" lemme show you to yo room " I said to her guiding her up stairs

She just stayed quiet and followed me which was weird . She is very strange .
I led her into a orange guest room and gave her some towels and clothes .

" if you need me I'm in my room right down the hall and there is a bathroom in this room " I said pointing to the door.

She nodded and took off her jacket .
I couldn't help but notice she had cuts all up and Down her arms .

I wanted to say something but I couldn't so I just went to my room and went to bed
Sin p.o.v

I took a hour long shower and decided to go to bed and leave before x woke up in the morning.....

A/n: this chap was Ass asf , but I'm tyeddddd and got school tmr so goodnight btcs!


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