Chapter 6 - Hurricane

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In a small, little, office-like emergency meeting room that Germany and Russia rented out at a hotel last minute, the countries gathered to discuss the details of Russia's encounter with America the previous night.

"It's not as bad as it sounds if we approach the situation calmly—" Germany tried to convince everyone in the most confident voice he could.

Indonesia cursed under his breath and glared at everyone with an annoyed, sleepless, face expression. "No, you know what? Fuck this, I'm out of here," he growled, getting up and walking towards the door.

Malaysia blocked him from leaving. "Stop being an idiot, you don't know where one of the bombs might be. Are you really about to risk your entire population because you're a little upset right now?" What started as a few arguments turned into an almost full-on fight between the two oceanic countries within the next couple seconds. This was pretty normal behavior for them though, and after a few minutes of restless argument and convincement from other countries, Indonesia finally gave up and sat back down at the round table while crossing his arms in clear disapprovement.

Norway sighed, approaching Germany in conversation. "So, how many countries are gathered here right now anyway?"

"Fifteen," Germany answered nonchalantly, trying to figure out how America was even able to transport something this dangerous and illegal beyond his borders.

"So then who's missing?" Thailand asked, knowing that there should be sixteen of them in total.

"North Korea," Germany mumbled out in a barely audible voice while concentrated on what their next best actions to take would be.

Norway raised a brow, laughing sarcastically, "Did you even invite him?"

Germany nodded. "I did, actually," he said in a sincere tone that surprised some of the others at the table.

Brazil clicked his tongue, putting his feet up on the table which annoyed some of the others next to him. "He's not someone who should be worried over this bomb issue anyway." He flung his arms behind his head, chuckling to himself, "America couldn't have gone to his country even if he wanted to."

"So, what? That leaves the rest of us fifteen then?" Norway asked.

"As the most probable choices, it does," Germany confirmed, and opened up his laptop with an exhausted sigh.

"Not enough pills exist in the world for me to deal with this," Finland groaned, one hand resting in his cheek.

"Maybe we should just call this off then and go back to our home countries," Philippines suggested in a hopeless voice. "Our governments can't know of this no matter what or there will be war for sure that will affect all of us. Maybe it'll be for the best if we all go home."

"Who knows if this is all true anyway? We're really just second-guessing ourselves here," Indonesia added on. A few more countries began to suggest similar ideas and soon the entire room became rowled up in arguments and suggestions. The yelling and shouting got uncontrollable and Russia finally made his appearance apparent.

"Everybody, listen!"

Everyone's attention turned to him and the chatter simmered down to complete silence in less than a few seconds. It was just something in Russia's voice that had that effect on everyone.

"While the situation seems dire for now there's no reason in us all splitting up. And for those of you who don't believe in all this, I suggest you be cautious on your way back home, because as most of us know, America wouldn't be lying about this, as crazy as it sounds."

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