Chapter 7 - Everything Black

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"So, the eight of us are going to find the bombs?" Philippines asked, eyeing everyone at the round table. They were back at the original facility they were at when first investigating America and in their separate groups they were assigned by Germany.

"Apparently," Thailand hummed.

Slamming his hand on the table and getting up to point at Malaysia, Indonesia objected, "I didn't ask to be put in a group with him," his eyes squinted at last word, emphasizing his disapproval with the country assignment.

An irritated vein appeared on Malaysia's forehead as he was trying to hold himself back from sounding rude towards his neighboring country. "Hey, if you had a problem with it, you could've spoken up before."

"Sorry, I was too busy trying not to look at your disgusting face."

Phillipines intervened before any physical fighting began, "Guys, can you stop, please? You're making us oceanic countries look bad." Both heads turned slowly to look at the now-nervous Filipino.

"Oh, look, Philip has something to say to us," Indonesia said with a haughty glare.

"Philiiip," Malaysia stretched his voice, "You let the American off the hook in the first place. We wouldn't be in this trouble if it wasn't for you, goblok."

"Hey, don't blame this all on me! It's not anyone's fault this is happening," Phillipines defended himself.

Indonesia huffed and turned his head towards the only other country in the room who matched his height. "Yeah, if anyone, we should be blaming that chick."

"She has a name, Monaco," Malaysia teased.

"I will strangle you! Jangan menguji saya." (Don't try me)

Thailand sighed, resting in his hand on his cheek as the two oceanic countries went back to fighting with each other again.

"Don't listen to them," China mumbled, sitting beside Japan, who looked more distressed compared to everyone else.

"No, they're right. It is my fault."

"It wasn't you who planted the bombs," China said in an oddly comforting tone, "They're acting like children if they can't see that."

Japan's eyes lit up and she brought her hands together nervously. "Thank you. I really do feel guilty for though," She said, her voice becoming quieter with each word, "All I wanted..." She shook her head. "I didn't mean for this to happen."

China nodded. "I know."

Meanwhile, Thailand observed as Brazil was holding his phone upright across from Malaysia and Indonesia, who were fighting, but mostly just throwing comebacks at each other. "Are you recording them?" he asked, confused.

"Fifteen likes on Instagram and I won't kill myself today," Brazil mumbled nonchalantly.

"Man, what's your problema?" Mexico asked with worry underlying his tone, "You need help." Brazil couldn't tell if he was being serious or not.

"Them fighting is the only joy I get out of this."

Thailand stressed and honestly done with everyone's, but especially Indonesia's and Malaysia's, careless attitude, yelled, "Can you two stop and concentrate on the task already!?" They stopped for a second and the room was back to its usual silence. "Why is it always when something happens, it's always left up to me to stay sane in the group?"

"Because you're that guy," Brazil explained.

"Because we need someone with brains if we're planning on surviving this," Mexico explained more thoroughly, "—and clearly none of us are eligible to be "that guy" so why don't you take that role?"

"China could take that role," Thailand refused and crossed his arms, "I don't want to be "that guy"," he huffed, sounding almost slightly offended.

"China's too quiet for that," Malaysia argued. From the corner of his eyes, Thailand also saw China creepily glaring at him.

Mexico patted the now-sulking Thailand on the back. "That just leaves you, amigo."

Dropping his shoulders, Thailand sighed in defeat and unfolded a printed out map onto the table. "Fine, whatever. Germany left us a possible location of our first bomb target," he explained, "Our mission is to get as much information as we can from them." He then looked around, skeptically observing everyone's strong and weak points that he was aware of at least. "So, who in here is good at swindling people into giving them information?"

Popping a bubble in his mouth, Brazil called out, "Right here." He then turned to face his Spanish-speaking friend and bumped his shoulder against him. "Mexico will need to come with me." Seeing everyone a little confused, Brazil explained, "Trust me, you need two for this."

Thailand slowly nodded. "Great, then you two will take care of this one." Turning towards the oceanic countries now, Thailand said, "Indonesia and Malaysia, you two will be on guard in case anything goes wrong. Try to get along please." Malaysia didn't look like he cared much, but as per usual, Indonesia had to rile up over every small little thing.

"Why do I have to be paired up with him!?" he asked, his voice shaking, "I'd rather be stuck with a worm."

"Now, you're just being mean," Malaysia muttered to himself.

Rolling his eyes, Thailand adjusted his jacket zipper and answered, "This will be healthy to improve your relationship."

"I don't need that," Indonesia declined, "Give me another partner, please."

Philippines offered, "Well, I'd be more than happy to—"

"No, thanks," Indonesia quickly objected, "You fucked up already last time."

"Not deliberately!" Philippines said with an angered and embarrassed facial expression. "Besides, I know I can kick ass. What can you do, shorty?"

"Who are you calling short!?" Indonesia cupped his fists, ready for another fight.

China pinched the bridge of his nose out of irritancy. "Honestly, I'm about three nerves away from bombing some countries myself," he said in a completely nonsarcastic tone.

With everyone back at what they were doing, Thailand gave up trying to reason with anyone anymore. "Are you seriously still recording them?" he asked Brazil, seeing that his eyes were still glued to his device.

"No, I'm dealing now," he replied.


Turning his head towards the Asian country, Brazil muttered, "Sometimes it's better not to ask too many questions."

"Oh, okay."

"Guys, this is actually serious," Japan spoke out, standing up. "I don't want to be bombed."

"Can't relate," Brazil subconsciously mumbled. Looking up, he realized everyone was staring at him. He clicked his tongue. "Sorry, continue."

Clearing her throat, Japan explained, "We need to get serious about this task. I take full responsibility for what happened to America-senpai, but right now, what's important is to work together."

"Finally, someone with a good point," Thailand let out a long sigh and actually smiled. "Thank you, Japan. Tonight, we will commence this first try in the city of Chicago."

"Oh, we're about to party!" Mexico cheered.

Thailand's short-lived smiled turned into a frown. "No, Mexico."

"Amigo, you are no fun."

"I'll go party with you, Mexico," Brazil suggested. He and Mexico started chatting and planning out a fun night out.

"No—" Thailand intervened, "Damn it guys, we just talked about this!"

"Are we ever going to get anything done?" Malaysia asked, not to anyone in particular.

"I don't know, but at this pace, I think we might actually get bombed," Philippines said, sounding actually a tad bit concerned.

"I just hope the others are doing better than us."

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