Chapter 11

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Nagisa's pov

Right now it was science class and we were experimenting on cat hairs. It was so boring and I thanked Jesus that the bell rang for lunch. Koro-sensei said we should clean up everything but not to touch it.

He shouldn't have said that before going out of the classroom because the gush if wind that blew because of him made my answer sheet fall off the desk. I sighed and bent down to pick it up, not realizing that the idiot above me, karma, turned around from looking on the board and knocked the experimental vial onto my head. The impact knocked me unconscious.

-timeskip to when nagisa wakes up-

I woke up to feel a pain in my head. My reached up to rub my head but felt fuzzy, warm, soft stuff that isn't my hair. I gasped and felt around head.

"It's cat ears, sweety."I heard Yuri say. I looked towards Yuri who was sitting on a chair next to the bed I am occupying but then I saw the passed out red head next him. I opened my mouth about to ask but he said something that I did not want to know, "Karma hit the vial that fell on your head. You passed out and then you started growing cat ears and a tail. Most of karmas blood went to his dick and out of his nose, so he lost alot of blood. Koro-sensei also called your mom and told her that he setup a group as signment and that you 'most likely went to my house,' so don't worry. Oh and I phoned my mom and told her to tell your mom that we are there so, yay." I blushed brightly at that and covered my face with my hands. 'Of course Karma would be such a pervert and of course yuri would do that.'

"Thanks Yuri. You know, you are kind of like a protective big brother."I couldn't help but smile at him.

"Bitch please, I am your fucking brother. Do you have any idea how long it took Karma to convince me to let him date you?  It took him two months."I looked at him shocked. I didn't realize that. But then again there was those two months before karma and I got together that Yuri and karma were upset with each other. Guess that explains it.

"Fucking worth it."I looked and saw karma looking at me with a bleeding nose and a red face.

"Karma, stop. You might pass out again."Yuri scolded him.

"But looked at him! What emotions should I feel because of that!"Yuri stopped and looked at me before nodding in agreement for what karma said.

I blushed brightly and glared at them, which for some reason caused a tent in his pants. I huffed and crossed my arms, not pouting.

"Aaaaww you are so adorable. Right vicchan." vicchan sat up from where I guess he was on and barked, tail wagging. I smiled and pat the my lap so that he can jump on the bed.

"Katsuki-san, I told you that pets are not allowed on school grounds." said koro-sensei waking or slithering into the room.

"Fine koro-sensei."Yuri picked up vicchan while Karma picked me up.

"WAH!? KARMA PUT ME DOWN!!" I said pushing at Karma's head but he just held on not even bothered which just pissed me off.

"Koro-sensei said: no pets allowed. You are my pet now." karma said being annoyingly calm.

"KARMA, NO! I AM NOT A PET! I AM YOUR BOYFRIEND! NOW PUT ME DOWN!" he shook his head and walked towards the door.

"Karma... Set Nagisa down, please."koro-sensei said sweatdropping.

"But koro-sensei, you said no pets allowed-" Yuri started saying. But I can't help but being upset because I am not a pet.


"-Nagisa is karma's pet and your student so you are basically telling us to remove a student from your class. I'm pretty sure if we do that, nagisa will be seen as a freak and would be attacked and that goes against the fact that you should protect your students." koro-senseis face turned purple at that.

"Very well the dog can stay but Katsuki-san is right if you are seen looking like that the world would not accept. You will have to stay here until I make an antidote. I will call you mo-" koro-sensei said.

"No need koro-sensei. Yuri already called our parents. We will be 'staying' at Katsuki hot springs until this thing is over. Yuri told his mom he was going on an ice skating trip and is taking us with but our Nagisa's and I mother's are incredibly strict so they won't allow us to go. His mom believes him but wants to know when we will return."karma said.

"Did you check my phone."Yuri asked

"Yeah but change your password, 'Vicchan is cute' is not that good of a password."

"Shut up."

"That works perfectly. Now are you all staying." we nodded at that. He sighed then nodded and disappeared. He reappeared with 3 futons, blankets and pillows, a doggy bed and three bags. He handed it over to us which confused us since there are beds here and we questioned him on it. "If you kids haven't notice, I am pretty big. I have to sleep on both bed to get comfortable." we nodded
I didn't know he lived here but now that I think about it, a teachers salary wouldn't get him a decent place to live even if he wears a disguise and he is too freakish looking to actually go out into the world without a disguise. We left and put our stuff in an extra classroom. We put the futons together forming one big futon. Karma finally put me down and since it was dark outside we put on our pajamas, that was in the bag, on. We got under the blankets and fell asleep cuddling.
Aaw so sweet. Sorry for the late update. Hope you enjoyed! bye lovelies!!😍😘💗

Karma: Damn bitch.

Me: Don't make me put in a character death.

Karma: Tch... Fine.

Yuri: hope you guys enjoyed!!

Nagisa: Why do I have to be a neko?

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